White Wolf Wiki

Julia Calvin is a Decker’s blood-bound childe and preferred assassin, Calvin is perhaps the least well-regarded of the Anubi. She doesn’t wear trophies, doesn’t inspire loyalty, and doesn’t rally the Kindred. She kills. She also despises Honor Mercer as a troublemaker and distraction for her sire.


I was born on the street. I suppose my mom must have had a bed, but all I know is that I didn't have one. My first memory is of being lost in a park. A homeless Korean War vet used to take care of me; that's how I grew up. First, I begged, then I stole, then I sold my body. That's probably what I would have done for the rest of my life if Carl had not showed me how much money you could make killing people.

Our first hit took out a junkie who hadn't paid his bills. For just slicing the little shit behind a liquor store, we made $50. The money I got from hits, added to the money I still made turning tricks, made life easy.

I split from my mentor early and had little problem handling the jobs myself. I suppose that's why my last job caused me so much trouble. It should have been no problem; some guy carrying on an affair offered me five grand to waste the lady's house husband. The only stipulation was that I hit the guy in the day so the wife wouldn't be home to witness it. He also insisted I burn the body—some odd wish of the wife.

Watching the house where the husband "lived" did me no good. The first evening, as I got ready to leave the area, I finally saw the husband appear from the backyard, white as a ghost, dressed in black and carrying a shotgun. I had no luck following him.

For the next month, I tried to keep up with my pale mark. He never appeared during the day, but at night he would materialize from inside the house or from the backyard and vanish into the night.

With the help of an old friend, I tried to find out more about my target—looking through tax, water, and electricity records, talking to neighbors, digging through what little trash he put out, and even breaking into his empty house when he left. The more I looked, the less I found.

Soon his pallid face filled my dreams, and I saw his waxen features everywhere I looked. After a month with nothing to show for it but a fading cash roll and growing nightmares, I made my move.

When he left for the night, I broke the lock on a window and climbed in. Hiding behind a sofa, one of the few pieces of furniture in the house, I waited with pistol in hand. An hour before dawn, however, I felt a presence behind me. I whirled just in time to see a cloud of mist coalescing into a human form, dressed in tatters and scarred with wounds that did not bleed.

I lifted my silenced .38 to shoot at him, but he knocked it from my hand with ease. I fought him every way I knew, but nothing did any good. I tried to flee, but he caught my shirt and pulled me to the ground. His hands caught my wrists like handcuffs, and his teeth played around my neck before violently piercing the skin. I felt myself reaching into the heights of ecstasy before I passed out.

For the next week, he kept me chained in the basement where he melded with the earth. Each night, he would feed off me before going off to fight his enemy. At the end of the week, he sank his teeth into me for the final time. I returned to my chains, but now the situation was different. For two more nights, I fed off him, and then he released me.

I still don't know what happened, but I know I love Decker with all my heart and soul. He insists that we not express our love in public, as it would make our fight against the Lupines more dangerous. I don't see why, but for him, I will do it.

Julia grew up on the streets, a homeless child who begged and did whatever was necessary to survive. Her life changed when she was adopted by Carl, a veteran of the Korean War. Seeing potential in her, Carl trained Julia in the skills of a mercenary, shaping her into a professional assassin. This became the central purpose of her life.

On one particular job, Julia was hired to eliminate a man: Mark Decker. For a month, she observed him but couldn’t detect any suspicious movements or vulnerabilities. Nevertheless, she prepared for an ambush. The result, however, was a crushing defeat. Julia lost a hand during the confrontation, was captured, and chained while Decker fed on her for an entire week. In the end, he embraced her, turning her into a vampire, and placed her under a blood bond. Decker’s “Kiss” bound her to him with an almost unshakable servitude toward her sire.

As a vampire, Julia retained her reputation as an elite assassin, gaining significant influence among the Anubi despite her lack of discipline. However, no one suspects her blood bond with Decker. If he were killed, Julia would immediately understand what had happened and could be the only one capable of stopping the Anubi from pursuing her sire's killer.

Additionally, Julia relies on a network of contacts composed of criminals and prostitutes in the city, who frequently assist her in achieving her objectives. This network is one of her greatest strengths, reinforcing her position in a street of violence.

V5-Let the Streets Run Red[]

In recent nights, Julia has continued her path as a werewolf hunter and professional assassin for the Anubi. Less inclined to inspire other members of her coterie, she focuses solely on killing, earning infamy among her peers for her ruthless conduct. Additionally, she serves as her sire’s personal bodyguard, further solidifying her standing within the domain.

When Decker embraced Honor Merce, Julia was present, closely observing the training of her sire’s new Childe. This period was fraught with challenges, as Julia had to endure more than one instance of Decker’s frenzy triggered by Honor’s provocations.

Rumors suggest that Julia may have killed Honor in an act of sibling rivalry. Some believe Decker is covering up the actions of his eldest Childe. However, it’s hard to imagine the Prince granting Julia the right to destroy Honor, especially given Decker’s open favoritism, treating his newest creation as the model Gangrel of the Camarilla.


Julia has long, dark hair that she typically ties back for combat. She is strikingly thin and almost skeletal, yet undeniably beautiful. Her limbs are muscular, and she moves with a feline grace that some find alluring and many find unsettling. Her mastery over her body is exceptional, a fact that becomes immediately apparent to anyone who observes her.

