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Judith McLaughlin is an author who has worked with White Wolf. Her official contributions include the following:
- 2007: BESM: Big Eyes, Small Mouth Third Edition (Arthaus)
- 1998/June: Trinity: Trinity Technology Manual
- 1998/May: Trinity: Luna Rising: Psi Order ISRA and Luna Sourcebook
- 1998/January: MTAs: Technomancer's Toybox
- 1997/November 10: Trinity: Trinity Rulebook
- 1997/October: Trinity: Trinity Rulebook (limited)
- 1996/October: MTAs: Beyond the Barriers: The Book of Worlds
- 1996: MTAs: Technocracy: Void Engineers
- 1994/June 10: MTAs: The Book of Shadows: The Mage Players Guide
- 1994: WTO: Haunts
- 1993: MTAs: Technocracy: Progenitors