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Judges are one of the three Hunter creeds who follow the virtue of Zeal. Like Redeemers, they seek to understand monsters, but only so they can determine whether they should live or die. They believe that evil is a choice, not an affliction, and that evil creatures, both human and supernatural, should be punished accordingly. Their primary motive in the hunt is to punish supernatural creatures, though unlike Avengers, they may mete out punishments other than death. Many judges question the instinctive reactions of their more direct colleagues and believe in doing what's right. They often were decision-makers and leaders before being imbued. Some of their common Edges allow them to force monsters to face the consequences of their sinful existences.

Judges of extraordinary conviction have the ability to somehow mark a creature. If a Judge is truly convinced of a creature's evil or worth, they will recognize it as condemned. The label is different with each imbued, but they all involve some kind of sign that represents the Judge's identity, role or purpose. Touching a creature with that item essentially brands it, making its worthiness apparent to all imbued.


  • Conservative
  • Moderate
  • Liberal

Standard Edges[]

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    • Discern: The Judge exhibits a hyper-alertness to supernatural creatures, allowing them to discern details about the creatures they're facing such as the fact a being doesn't breathe or doesn't emit heat. They cannot be blinded even if their eyes are closed, torn out or are in utter darkness. Bad eye-sight is miraculously corrected.
    • Vigilance: The Judge develops the ability to subsist on increasingly less sleep. The more Zeal they have, the less sleep they can get by.
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    • Burden: They can imprison a supernatural creature briefly, fixing it to the ground where it stands by looking at it and holding it in their gaze. The entity can still act, but it cannot move further from a foot from where it is. More than one creature can be burdened at the same time if they can be seen simultaneously.
    • Anathema: Allows a Judge to decree one individual or place as distasteful, painful or simply abhorrent for a monster when it comes to feeding. The Judge must trace the hunter code Judgment symbol upon the person or area.
    • View: By using this edge, a hunter can suddenly see through solid material for a short moment. Through often hazy and unclear, this glimpse can give them the insight they need to plan their next move.
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    • Balance: The hunter can temporarily deny an entity access to its source of strength and they cannot use any powers requiring that energy. They must look at the creature and verbally curse it in some fashion.
    • Vow: A creature and a Judge verbally negotiate an agreement in which the being promises to forego a particular activity such as leaving town or never attack another human. The Judge must trace the hunter code Judgment symbol on the creature to seal the pact. If the creature breaks it, the sign busts into flames. Removing the symbol does not invalidate the contract.
    • Condemn: Simply by speaking with a monster, a Judge can somehow reveal an aspect of the beast or chip its armor. Normal people somehow know the monster is different or wrong. They will shun the creature's presence; even a creature's family or loved ones are affected.
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    • Pierce: When the Judge hears a falsehood, they will experience a very unpleasant sensation. Furthermore, if they touch a person who has had an encounter with a supernatural being, they'll have a vision of that person's most recent encounter. If they touch a supernatural creature, they'll receive a vision of its past. Visions are all silent.
    • Confession: By touching a creature and asking a question, the Judge senses the being's emotional response and may realize the true answer. The Judge speaks the honest answer aloud, regardless of the lie the subject might give or if it's silent.
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    • Expose : When this edge is used, normal people around them become aware of any supernatural being nearby, despite their efforts to hide themselves. This doesn't apply to hunters.
    • Imprison: A Judge can freeze an unnatural being in place for hours. They no longer need to keep their eyes on the target once it's bound. This power cannot be used on regular people or other hunters.


^  Level 1

Discern HTR: Hunter: The Reckoning Rulebook Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 160
Discern cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 216
Vigilance HTR: Hunter Book: Judge Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 76
Vigilance cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 216-217

^  Level 2

Burden HTR: Hunter: The Reckoning Rulebook Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 161
Burden cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 217
Anathema HTR: Hunter Book: Judge Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 77
Anathema cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 217
View HTR: Hunter: Holy War Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 99

^  Level 3

Balance HTR: Hunter: The Reckoning Rulebook Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 161
Balance cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 218
Vow HTR: Hunter Book: Judge Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 78-79
Vow cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 218
Condemn HTR: Hunter: Holy War Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 99-100

^  Level 4

Pierce HTR: Hunter: The Reckoning Rulebook Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 161-162
Pierce cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 218-219
Confession HTR: Hunter Book: Judge Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 79
Confession cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 219

^  Level 5

Expose HTR: Hunter: The Reckoning Rulebook Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 162
Expose cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 219-220
Imprison HTR: Hunter Book: Judge Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 79
Imprison cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 220

Hunter: The Reckoning Creeds
Imbued creeds Avenger · Defender · Hermit · Innocent · Judge · Martyr · Redeemer · Visionary · Wayward
Mortal creeds Entrepreneurial · Faithful · Inquisitive · Martial · Underground
