Jude Henderson started life on a small farm in a shanty town in southern Georgia, and would have been content to stay there, if not for the troubles that came to his home town in the form of racist rednecks. Times were tough in the South, and the Ku Klux Klan believed chat the men in the shanty town were taking jobs away from fine Southern gentlemen who needed to support their families. When Jude was only 10, the men in hooded robes came late at night, burning the homes and trying to drive the people of the shanty town away. They murdered Jude's mother and father, along with some 30 others. Jude ran into the night, orphaned and bitter. Some years later, after eking out a living at various menial tasks, Jude began working as a wrestler for a traveling fair. When the fair came to Atlan t a, Jude met a dozen challengers in the ring, besting them all and making a pittance for his efforts. The last man to challenge him in the ring attempted to use brass knuckles to make clear his dissatisfaction with losing. Jude broke his neck in the resulting conflict and was consumed with guilt as a result. The man was drunk and not really responsible for his actions. Jude was sentenced to life imprisonment for first degree murder. He left behind his wife, Amelia and their three year old son Walter. While in the Federal Penitentiary, Jude met with Kei th Forsythe, a militant racist determined to get under his skin. Remembering his past and the death of his family at the hands of the same sort, Jude lost control and killed the man. Jude was later killed for his trouble by one of the guards at the pen itentiary, a friend of Forsythe's, who knifed him in the stomach and left him to die. Jude joined the Shattered Chain at his first opportunity and bas been one of their strongest advocates ever since.
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