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Joshua Tarnopolski, also known as Blackjack, is a Cainite from Chicago who lays claim as the Anarch Baron of Joliet and Naperville, Illinois. He is the progeny of the infamous Tyler.


The socialists became a significant threat to the capitalist interests of Chicago during the early years of the 20th century. For a while, they even threatened to become an established force in the state legislature. Indeed, the Chicago establishment remained frightened of them long after the socialists lost their effectiveness.

Joshua Tarnopolski was among the leaders of the city's socialists during their heyday. With his thick Polish accent, he was not a noted orator like most of the leaders, but he was a skilled backroom politician and could raise a mob of workers to fight off the Chicago machine's goon squads.

Tyler's natural sympathies were aroused by these committed revolutionaries and, when the socialists' power peaked shortly before World War I, she decided to preserve some of this energy forever.

She chose Joshua because, even though he was a powerful leader among the workers, his face was not well known, either to the masses or to the capitalists he opposed. Tyler even sought the permission of Lodin in order to sire this neonate—permission Lodin was more than willing to grant to such a powerful Cainite—in return for crucial support in his war against Modius, who had just fled to Gary.

Tyler Embraced Joshua without giving him any choice in the matter. Joshua, who was already beginning to predict the demise of socialism in America, transferred his passion for change to Kindred society. Joshua quickly became disenchanted with the seniority system, and contacted the anarchs.

He is often looked to as a leader by all anarchs, much as he was by socialists in the past. The younger Brujah are enthralled by his tales of meetings with Eugene Debs, Joe Hill, Woody Guthrie, and other national leaders from the early part of the century.

Joshua's closest allies died in the Lupine attack, and he himself dropped out of sight for a while. He has returned, however, and is one of the few Kindred aware that the Sabbat was behind the destruction. He has sworn vengeance on that sect; should he discover its presence in Chicago, he would do everything in his power to destroy it.


Until recent years, the Sabbat held sway in Joliet, with some rumors holding that the Cainite murder cult maintained a temple to Caine beneath the city’s abandoned prison.

The last of the Joliet Sabbat packs abandoned the city due to Joshua “Blackjack” Tarnopolski’s systematic, effective attacks. He and his coterie of old-school Anarchs, supposedly including the infamous Tyler, routed the weakened Sabbat and claimed the domain for the Movement.

Tarnopolski behaves strangely in these nights. Since claiming Joliet, his domain has been militantly libertarian, but now he’s started urging Kindred from Chicago to attend the newly reformed Church of Caine for spiritual guidance, recognizing a void in many vampires where faith should be.

Several Anarchs are concerned he’s being manipulated by Deacon Arden Canty, who leads the church in Joliet, while other vampires wonder if Tarnopolski lost an important mortal and now clutches for reasons to go on.

Character Sheet[]

Image: Joshua is short and stocky, with a short black beard speckled with gray. He wears cheap, off-the-rack suits, reflecting his unpretentious style.

Roleplaying Hints: You carry the weariness of the years in your eyes. Life was vibrant and exciting when you were younger, and you love reminiscing about those times. Now, you find the modern world bland and uninspiring. Speak with a thick Polish accent, which, although improved over the years, remains quite distinctive.

Haven: The basement of an old apartment building in East Chicago. The basement of an old apartment building in East Chicago.

Secrets: B

Influence: Joshua's influence in mortal society stems from his deep ties to the labor unions. While the union members don't know the full truth about him, they respect his longstanding involvement and often seek his advice. His retainers, both veteran union men, help him maintain control over most of the labor unions in the area.

Fifth Edition[]


