White Wolf Wiki

Joseph Ryelander is the founder of the Ruby Children cabal and House Thig of the Order of Hermes.


Ryelander was born in Manchester, England in 1736 and awakened as a Orphan. His cabal, the Ruby Children, operated as a Sleeper mystery cult with a heavy dose of Hermeticism, and in 1804 he applied to join the Order of Hermes. The Children were added to House Ex Miscellanea and promptly forgotten.

Ryelander proceeded to establish two additional cabals (the Emerald Children and the Diamond Children), and formed a close relationship with House Janissary. After Ryelander's followers had racked up a dozen decisive actions against the Order of Reason, Caeron Mustai backed their promotion to a full House, House Thig, in 1846. Ryelander himself, however, joined House Janissary in 1877, where he remained until killed by HIT Marks in 1954.

