The Jordan McDevitt Show is a talk-radio show airing during the late 20th and early 21st Century in Trinity Universe America. Excerpts from the show, presented in Aberrant supplements beginning with Aberrant: Project Utopia, typically highlight what a hot topic of discussion novas were among the public - usually, their place within society and what sanctions, if any, should be placed on them by the world's governments. Jordan "Jor" McDevitt himself is rather conservative and a bit paranoiac when it comes to novas and Project Utopia, often hanging up on callers who disagree with him and giving more airtime to anti-nova crackpots.
Known broadcasts of the Jordan McDevitt Show:
- May 16, 1998: Discussion of novas and their possible origin.
- October 26, 1998: Baseline: Insult or accurate?
- January 23, 2000: Project Utopia: Threat or menace? (Jordan's answer: "Yes.")
- July 17, 2001: Jordan discusses why he thinks the Equatorial Wars were a setup.
- December 10, 2001: Legal restrictions for novas: good idea or bad precedent?
- May 14, 2008: Jordan wonders what Slider was doing in Calcutta working for Novelty Consulting.