White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

John Tighe inked for small indie comic book publishers Innovation and Heroic before joining Wildstorm Studios (then called Homage) in 1992 as inker Scott Williams' assistant. At the time the studio was finishing up the last few X-Men books for Marvel. The first piece he worked on was the stunning full-page shot of Storm flying drawn by Whilce Portacio.

John later not only did full inks, most notably on the Resident Evil series, but also penciled as well from time to time. One illustration for a Wildstorm source book, that of "Necros", a villain of the character "Union", was lost mysteriously by the office staff, and a replacement was quickly done by Terry Shoemaker.

By the end of his stay at the studio, he worked for their licensed products department. This department was eliminated by DC. Due to the previous buyout of the studio by Warner Bros., this department was unnecessary since DC already had one.

Mr. Tighe has since moved on to graphic design, and photography, making rare forays into comics now and then. John Tighe is currently working on an untitled "how to" book on comics with other former artists of Wildstorm.

His art appears on the cover of World of Darkness: Combat (1997).
