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John Coaler, "Rigger111" is an Imbued Hunter. He was banned by Witness1 from Hunter-Net.[1]


His whole life, no one ever did a fucking thing for John Coaler. Not his family, not his string of employers and especially not the damn imbued.

As Rigger111, Coaler was a well-known - and unpopular - poster to hunter-net. He spoke his mind and didn't give a shit about rules, etiquette or manners. He knew none of that meant a damn in real life, in a world haunted by monsters. He finally crossed the line when he posted the names and details of other hunters to the list, imbued who "inconvenienced" him. Witness1 banned him from the list, and Coaler lost contact with the wider imbued community.

At first, that suited him just fine. He didn't want or need those weak assholes, anyway. But on his own, Coaler found himself no match for the monsters that came for him. He bailed on the shitty job he was holding down and tried to run, but Annabelle found him. A vampire with a taste for novel atrocities, Annabelle took control of Coaler's will when he was weak and made him her slave. Coaler was treated like the bloodsucker's pet for months and was forced to degrade himself for her amusement.

And then Vassago rescued him.

When the monster crawled into his mind and made him an offer, Coaler didn't hesitate. With the demon's assistance, he escaped Annabelle. He was free again - but in realty, he had just changed one master for another.

Still carrying the emotional and mental scars of his torture - perhaps scars he's carried throughout his angry and frustrating life - Coaler wants nothing more than revenge. Revenge against the monsters, but more importantly, against the imbued. He put his life on the line time and again, and how did the fuckheads on hunter-net repay him? They left him to become a vampire's dog.

Now Coaler roams the United States, living hand to mouth. Vassago - the demonic force he calls "Boss" - directs him to find hunters and vampires, all in Coaler's hopes that he will get to destroy vampires who remind him of Annabelle, and to kill the hunter-net posters who betrayed him. In return, the Boss demands Coaler's services, fighting its enemies and protecting its interests. It also tries to force Coaler to perform acts of pointless murder and atrocity, all the better to wear down his will so that Vassago can possess his body permanently.

At first, Coaler didn't have a problem with the arrangement. He got his revenge, he killed monsters and weak chumps alike, and it wasn't like he cared about the killings the Boss demanded. But slowly, John has begun to rebel against his new master. Even a bullying bastard like him draws a line, and the demon keeps trying to push him over it. More importantly, Coaler slowly realizes that killing the imbued doesn't make him any happier. It doesn't fill the emptiness inside of him.

For now, Coaler continues to do the Boss' bidding and pursues his own vendetta, but each murder brings him a little closer to defiance. If he's lucky, that resistance might become a rebellion before Vassago devours his soul completely.

Character Sheet[]

Attributes: Strength (Large) 4, Dexterity 2, Stamina (Tough) 4, Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits (Cunning) 4
Abilities: Alertness 2, Brawl (Hay-makers) 4, Computer 1, Crafts 2, Demolitions 1, Dodge 2, Drive 2, Firearms 3, Intimidation (bullying) 4, Might 3, Security 1, Stealth 1, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3, Survival 3
Backgrounds: Grace Under Pressure 3, Iron-Willed 2, Patron 5, Steel Nerves 3
Edges: (Defense) Ward, Rejuvenate, Brand, Champion, Channel
Vision: 1, Zeal: 10, Conviction: 5, Willpower: 5
Derangements: Anti-social Personality Disorder, Compulsive Aggressive, Manic-Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

