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White Wolf Wiki

Jimmy Holcomb AKA Neon was a Chicago Anarch of the Caitiff.


As part of a normal, upper-middle-class white family, Jimmy was on his way home late at night when he was sipied by Damien. The Caitiff insinuated himself into Jimmy's family using his Dominate discipline to make everyone think he was Jimmy's older brother. But Damien eventually tired of living with the family and decided to leave. However, after he left, one of Sheriff's bully boys attacked the family, murdering all of them in a horrible bloodbath, and as a last stroke, Embraced poor little Jimmy. Damien learned about the "ritual killings" from the news and found the boy days later, living in a culvert and drinking the blood of squirrels. Ever since, he has protected Jimmy, now named Neon, and sought to hide him from the hated Elders.

Jimmy is severely scarred from his experienced and has been permanently traumatized. There is now a part of him which is always out of reach; he has taken what he thinks is the best part of himself, his child, and put it where no one can ever harm it in the future, if he survives at all, he will have a great deal to work out inside himself. His life journey will not be easy, and it seems now as if it will be filled with nothing but pain and horror.

Mom once had her eye on Neon, and wanted to mother him.

Unfortunately, the sad, short, unlife of Neon would come to a tragic end during the Chicago war with the Lupines. When the Malkavian known as Son would offer the boy sanctuary before torturing, killing, and diablerizing him.

Charater Sheet[]

Image: Neon bas the body of a small boy—seven-years-old. He has uncombed brown hair and a face that seems perpetually laden with fear and surprise. Roleplaying Tips: You are very quiet and will only talk to Damien, and even then only in a whisper. Give yourself very big and fearful eyes, and never ever relax.
Haven: With Damien.
Secrets: F
Infuence: None

