White Wolf Wiki

Princess Jessamy is an Unseelie Sidhe Childling of House Ailil.



Though still a childling (and a young one at that), Princess Jessamy has already come to the attention of House Ailil's leaders. With her winsome features, long blond hair, and dark blue eyes, she projects an air of innocent mischief that hides a canny intelligence and a calculating personality.

A distant cousin of Yrtalien ap Ailil, Jessamy encountered the Forsworn Prince shortly after her Saining. From him, she learned about the Shadow Court and its mission to redress the Seelie control of Concordia. Her cousin's words left a deep impression on the childling, filling her with an ambition rare in one so young.

Chosen as the Green Child in a recent celebration of the Greening in the Kingdom of Willows, Jessamy basked in the attention of both Seelie and Unseelie fae, charming changelings of both courts with her exuberance and poise. Shadow Court Ritualists have reported omens indicating that she will one day hold great power within fae society and have already claimed her as one of their own.

In her own words, "If I'm a princess now, that means that one day I will be a queen of the Shadow Court. But for now, I have to make lots of Seelie friends so that they will like me, too."

The princess's two closest friends are an Unseelie redcap and a Seelie troll... both childlings and both oathbound to her. Her governess, a Seelie boggan named Rosie, has devoted herself to Jessamy's protection despite her Unseelie nature.


  1. CTDPour L'Amour et Liberte: The Book of Houses 2, p. 49.