White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Jeremiah duBois, otherwise known as Cobra, is a Tenth Genereation Voodoo Boy of the Followers of Set Clan.


A young well-dressed man in the height of fashion. Always armed with at least a pistol.


Cobra was born in New Orleans in the late 20th century. He grew up in a poor family in which even eating was a doubtful proposition at times. To supplement his family’s income, he took to dealing drugs.

Over time, he began to take a special pleasure in dealing to those who considered themselves to be superior. He especially loved to hook whites on the stuff he sold. It was not difficult for the local Setites to notice him. He was one of their customers.

He was approached by his usual supplier one evening and invited to take part in a Voudoun ceremony. Being naturally curious, and also more than a bit inspired by the Setite’s Presence, he went along.

At the height of this ritual, he was Embraced into the Followers of Set. The next evening, his education began. He was a apt student of their methods and very enthusiastic. He had just made it big time, or least he saw it that way.

He used some of the money he was getting in his operations to help his family along. He was still loyal to them, despite the Temple’s influence. His superiors did not take notice; as long as he did not tell them of his nature, they did not mind what he did. It is easier to destroy loyalty than create it.

When Night City was completed, he and several others left to take advantage of this new opportunity. They laughingly called it a “Land of Milk and Honey”. They immediately began normal Setite operations which lasted for several years.

Now, Cobra is the Lick behind the Voodoo boys, a situation he considers uproariously funny. A bunch of middle American white boys are playing with Voudoun...

Character Sheet[]

Influence: Primarily with the Voodoo Boys, although he also has some contacts in other gangs, most notably the Wild Things.

