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White Wolf Wiki

Jenifer Vidusiana, "Flame61," has a flock in Istanbul and is visited by the Judge Carleton Van Wyk (Doctor119)


Like Corazon Marron in Brazil, Jennifer Vidisania is at the center of a group of loyal, dedicated individuals. Unlike the Marrons, however, Vidisania's followers opt to follow her out of belief, not out of family loyalty.

A native of the U.S., Vidisania traveled to Istanbul with a specific aim in mind. She planned to take advantage of rich, gullible tourists and rope them into a phony New Age church. She never suspected that any of the occult claptrap she spouted might turn out to be true.

She now believes that the gods have a sense of humor and have chosen to pervert the selfish goals of a nonbeliever to achieve their own goals. Of course, no true speaker could discern the inexpressible will of Heaven. Only a fool like her with no sense of the real importance of her task could manage to stumble across it.

Styling herself the "Flame of Heaven," Vidisania preaches a doctrine of impending Apocalypse. The world is gearing up for a final war, and she intends for her followers to be ready.

While her initial plan for her church involved a great deal more peace, love and material comfort, Vidisania's perception of paranormal predators has shifted her course decidedly to the right. She now preaches a militant doctrine, backed by violent miracles (such as showing her followers proof that vampires evaporate in sunlight). In addition to her imbued powers, she bolsters belief through more conventional methods - sleep, deprivation, isolation and indoctrination. Her base outside Istanbul is a fortified camp, where her glassy-eyed believers spiral deeper into the revealed faith. She has nearly 20 people in her church, several of whom have surrendered all their worldly possessions "for the common good."

Vidisania currently is considering contacting the Russian mob to acquire rifles, flamethrowers, rocket launchers - and maybe even a tank or two.

