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White Wolf Wiki

Jason is a 7th-generation Malkavian of Milwaukee.


In life, Jason was an insane criminal condemned to death over the killing of a woman (in order to rob her of a $5 bill she had in her purse). He kept a secret as to how "Talbot" had told him to do it, but somehow Jacob knew it all, and gave him the Embrace in the evening before he was going to be hanged. In modern nights, he was engaged in a fight with the city's Primogen Carna after she defected to the Anarchs.


The book Encyclopaedia Vampirica states that Jason is a 6th generation vampire, contradicting Milwaukee by Night, where he's listed as a member of the 7th generation. It should be noted that Encyclopaedia Vampirica is a book written in character and has been widely known as an unreliable source of information. However, there is also the possibility that the authors of Milwaukee by Night have simply made a mistake regarding this character's generation, since Jason's sire, Jacob has been described as a 5th generation Cainite - something that could be reconciled by Jacob having committed diablerie after Jason's Embrace, thus lowering his own generation at some point after the year of 1903.

Character Sheet[]


