White Wolf Wiki

Jara Drory is the Nosferatu Primogen of Boston.


Jara was originally from a small fishing village named Vis, located on an island off the coast of Yugoslavia. She was a prostitute in life, until a particularly nasty Nosferatu embraced her. She fled her sire, traveling to America in 1841 and settling in Boston.

She found Boston to be exceedingly lonely, and due to her disfigured appearance stuck to the alleyways and sewers. Eventually she could take the loneliness anymore and created a ghoul, who she later illegally embraced for companionship.

During Operation Longbow she noticed that new european kindred were drifting into Boston in small groups, due to the time she spent at the docks. Some of these new arrivals were Nosferatu, who she began to hide from using her superior knowledge of the city sewers.

However one night she made a mistake and was finally discovered. Brought before Kurt Densch in Rhode Island, where he explained to her The Web, a network of Nosferatu information. She enjoyed the idea of it, including the protection it would offer if her sire came looking for her. After a period of observation she was officially inducted. Over time her and Densch both secretly grew to love the other, though didn't speak of it due to fear and shyness.

The kindred of Boston remembered her being a resident before the influx of British kindred, and this allowed her to act as a deep infiltration spy. She joined the Kindred of Liberty as the Nosferatu Primogen, passing along misinformation on behalf of The Web when it concerned Warwick. Most of the Primogen respect her and her intel, except the Toreador Primogen Elsa Linden. They bickered frequently, leading the rest of the Primogen to exclude one of them from meetings so things could get accomplished, only summoning both in times of emergency. She then worked on tempering down her contempt for Elsa, so that she will not be excluded from meetings.

In 2014 the Malkavian Prince of Boston, Quentin King III disappeared. Hazel Iverson ascended Praxis and became the new Prince of Boston. Jara Drory became the Nosferatu Primogen under her, serving in a satisfactory manner. However she began to secretly provide information to the Second Inquisition sometime before 2019. This was done on the orders of British kindred who were escaping England after London was nearly cleared of Kindred. They planned to resettle in Boston, and were planning on using the hunters to severely weaken the local Camarilla. Jara worked with an accomplice, Hilda McAndrews. However at some point the Second Inquisition captured her and tortured her, Hilda having sold her out to them. They eventually killed her, keeping some parts of her body for further study.

