White Wolf Wiki

Real-life Events[]

World of Darkness Events[]

  • 1990
    • Andrew Greene writes about his "vacation." Stress, paranoia, lying to his parents. He hung up rudely on Mary Beth, but felt bad about it afterwards. They came back to find that Chain was hanging around their class, ostensibly for "extracurricular studies," but truthfully as a show of force to dissuade them from even thinking about leaving the Technocracy.[2]
  • 2000
    • The Nephite Priesthood meets in Salt Lake City. No one's sure exactly what happens, but the entire Priesthood is eradicated, save for Elder Jedidiah Baker.[4][5][6][7]

Trinity Universe Events[]

  • 2114
    • A damaged holotape found in a Lima barrio has two voices (one a Sudamérican shifter, the other a Nihonjin) discussing an agreement wherein the second individual provides the first with deep-city blueprints, provided the first individual incorporates certain mirror-data archives. The archives include their own decryption protocols, as they are intended to be read ...someday.[8]


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