White Wolf Wiki

World of Darkness Events[]

  • 1989
    • Andrew Greene is approached by a strange man, who tells him he is impressed with Andrew's research into the interactions between G proteins and metal molecules. The man offers to arrange a meeting with a gentleman doing research into this area.[1]
  • 1996
    • Master Sapachai Phuttaisong is observed and recorded by parties unknown.[2]

Trinity Universe Events[]

  • 2004
    • The Associated Press reports that the UN announced the formation of a Global Media Council, whose goal is to study the effects of the OpNet and the instantaneous spread of incredibly high volumes of information.[4]
  • 2120
    • CIO of WEI Matthew Crowley sends a report to Orgotek's board of directors outlining Orgotek's business strategy for the next five years.[6]


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