White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Jane in a British Ananasi who works as a librarian in London. She starts dating Richard when she learns he is searching for a librarian to help him steal from the Tremere. An unnamed Garou attacks her for consorting with a bloodsucker, but she easily bests him in a fight.

Richard eventually asks her to infiltrate Winters' haven in the Shard and steal a Tremere journal. There are wards against vampires, but they won't affect Fera, and as a librarian Jane will be able to tell the authentic journal from a fake. Jane kills two of Winters' security guards and breaks into his vault with the aid of Weaver-spirits; the wards burn her hand due to Richard's attempt to blood-bond her. Returning to Richard's flat, she kills him and leaves him with the fake journal, knowing it will trigger a war between his Clan and the Tremere. She explains that the blood bond doesn't work because she no longer feels love (and also she's been throwing out all the tainted wine he's been giving her).

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