Jacob Klünder is an author writing for both Worlds of Darkness, mostly the Vampire gamelines.
- 2017/December 20: WTA: Changing Ways
- 2017/August 08: VTM: Denmark by Night
- 2016/November 30: VTDA20: The Cainite Conspiracies Anthology ("The Hidden Stars")
- 2005/April 4: VTR: Lancea Sanctum
- 2004/November 15: VTR: Coteries
- 2003/December 1: DAV: Players Guide to High Clans
- 2003/December 1: VTM: The Ventrue Chronicle
- 2003/October 20: VTM: The Red Sign
- 2003/August 11: DAV: Players Guide to Low Clans
- 2003/March 17: DAV: Right of Princes (Guarding the Gates, Strood)