White Wolf Wiki

Jack the Whistler is a Ojo Eshu Wilder in the Kingdom of Willows.


Jack the Whistler

Legends of the roving troubadour come to life in the person of the changeling who calls himself alternatively Jack the Whistler, Jack Diamond, or Johnny O'Dell. Jack spends his time wandering the mountains of Appalachia collecting the stories and songs of the people he meets. Like many eshu, he enjoys the successful con, hence his assumption of different identities in different states. He has been around for a long time, judiciously taking advantage of his welcome in every freehold in the area to retard his aging. He has also made friends with many Nunnehi and has been collecting their stories and legends as well.

Years ago, when he first became a wilder, he took up with a woman he assumed was mortal. When he discovered that Caitlin Dooley was, in fact, a Garou, he revealed his faerie nature to her. They wandered the hills as a pair for many years until she felt that it was time to join a sept. Over the years, he has kept in touch with her and still feels a good deal of affection for her even though she has aged much faster than he has.


Although Jack's fae mien is that of a tall, elegant, dark-skinned male with long, slender fingers and penetrating dark eyes, in mortal seeming he appears as a lanky, sandy-haired, young mountain man. Each of his three mortal identities has subtle differences. Jack the Whistler dresses in faded denim and homespun shirts and ties his shaggy hair back for comfort when telling stories. Jack Diamond's hair is long and he favors a look that links him to the southern folk-rock scene. Johnny O'Dell wears a black felt hat over his shoulder length blond hair and favors western-style shirts and string-ties.


Songs and storytelling are second nature to Jack and he is as ready to tell them as he is to listen to them. His greatest sadness is that when he eventually grows old and dies, his next incarnation won't remember all the stories he has learned. He consoles himself with the prospect of discovering them all over again.


Court: Seelie
Legacies: Wayfarer/Riddler
Seeming: Wilder
Kith: Eshu
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
Talents: Alertness 4, Brawl 2, Dodge 4, Empathy 3, Expression (storytelling) 5, Kenning 4, Subterfuge 3
Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 3, Melee 2, Performance (singing) 4, Stealth 3, Survival 4
Knowledges: Enigmas 4, Investigation 2, Linguistics 5, Medicine 2, Mythlore 4, Occult 3
Arts: Chicanery 2, Legerdemain 2, Primal 2, Soothsay 4, Wayfare 5
Realms: Actor 4, Fae 1, Scene 4
Backgrounds: Contacts 5, Gremayre 3, Treasures 3 (a handworked leather bracelet which allows him to alter his physical appearance in very slight ways)
Glamour: 8
Willpower: 6
Banality: 6

