Jack Doggins is a legendary Nocker, presumably Seelie, and savior of the Menehune.
When Banality threatened to destroy the fae of the Hawai'ian Islands, help came from an unexpected place. Among the whalers who came to the islands to rest from their voyages was a nocker seaman. This bold changeling preferred to travel the sea-lanes with humans; finding that the superstitious sailors were a good source of Glamour, especially at night, when the moon was high, the sea chanties were sung from drunken lips, and the excitement they felt at the hunt of a whale was almost holy.
This kithain, Jack Doggins, accidentally stumbled across a lone Menehune as he walked the Kaua'i beaches at night, admiring the natural beauty of the lush island after months at sea. Surprised and shocked to find a pure fae still abroad in the world, he babbled out a million questions before the Menehune even realized that they were looking at one of their kind, although a distant cousin to be sure. Marveling at how this fae with a mouth like a sailor could walk among such banal humans and survive, they took Jack back to the Menehune village and introduced him the chiefs.
It is from Jack Doggins that the Menehune learned the trick of taking human form; of being birthed over many generations in human bodies, to protect themselves from Banality. How this trick was taught or learned is unknown today. Jack, however, was never seen again. The Menehune still revere his name and there is a he'iau dedicated to him.
Of course, it is said that the dedication of he'iaus were preceded by human sacrifice to charge the mana of the new structure.