White Wolf Wiki

Isis is a member of the Pesedjet pantheon. She is the wife of Osiris and goddess of magic.


Isis is a cunning manipulator and subtle schemer. She forced Atum-Re to reveal his True Name to the rest of the Pesedjet by weakening him with snake bites, and when she re-assembled her dismembered husband Osiris, she may have deliberately left him incomplete so their son Horus could take his place among the gods. She's always got an eye out for how a situation might benefit her, with the rest of the her pantheon coming second and the rest of the Gods coming third. Humanity barely even rates.

Isis can be found anywhere in the World depending on her goals, but she always manages to be in the right place at the right time. Whether she's a maid or a matriarch, she chooses her role based on where she can do the most good — at least, good as she sees it. While one of her Purviews is Health, she does not often share her healing power for free; they're just one of many ways she can extract favors or concessions from others.

Most of Isis's Scions are not quite so Machiavellian, and she likes it that way. They're more useful when she can control them. Ideally, she can exploit them when she needs them and then ignore them until she needs them again. Too bad that's not how children actually work.


Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Manipulation, Fertility, Guardian, Health, Heku, Magic, Mystery

Abilities: Academics, Integrity, Investigation, Occult, Politics, Presence

Rivals: Thoth; Amaterasu, Hermes, Odin, Ogoun, Quetzalcoátl

