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These objects of power resonate with the New Moon's sacred duty. They are subtle and sometimes even underhanded, just like the Irraka herself. Aiding in misdirection, secrecy, the acquisition of enemy resources and other pursuits well-suited to the Shadows of Luna, these fetishes are potent additions to any werewolf's arsenal, but perhaps best-used in the hands of those chosen by the dark of the moon.

Irraka Fetishes[]

Mr. Fixit (Talen)[1]: Sometimes, things just go wrong and Forsaken end up taking actions that leave a trail a mile wide for the herd to follow. Maybe it's a body ripped to shreds by the teeth and claws of a Gauru-form Uratha, or maybe its inexplicable traces of wolf fur and saliva in a place where such animals obviously couldn't be. Given the ever-increasing sophistication of forensics technology, it becomes harder and harder for the Forsaken to cover their tracks. This talen (which commonly takes the form of a spray bottle of bleach, a cheap sponge, or something similar) exists to address that very problem, adding the user's activation successes to those required by someone using mundane applications of the Investigation Skill to determine any helpful information about a crime scene or other compromised location, as the evidence inexplicably ends up somehow corrupted or otherwise difficult to decipher. Supernatural investigative abilities are, however, unaffected by this talen's powers. See "Examining a Crime Scene," p. 59-60, World of Darkness Rulebook.
A spirit of deceit empowers this talen.
Action: Instant

Silver Polish (Talen)[2]: It's a well-known fact among Uratha that being injured by silver can easily drive werewolves into Death Rage. While it's usually a bad idea to do so, desperate times occasionally call for such desperate measures. With an application of a silver polish talen (which always takes the form of some sort of oil or cream, suitable for use on metal as a polish or other cleaner), the user can trick a target's body into believing that she's just been attacked with that most baneful substance. Regardless of the damage type inflicted, the target of a successful attack with the anointed weapon must attempt to resist Kuruth as though having just suffered one or more points of aggravated damage. Silver polish can be applied to any sort of weapon: bladed or blunt, melee or ranged; even a bullet. Barehanded or similar attacks, however, cannot be affected by this talen.
Silver polish is empowered by a silver-spirit.
Action: Reflexive

Soundthrower (Talen)[3]: Irraka create these small talens from the hollow bones of birds to be used for quick diversions. They are small, and one can easily, if uncomfortably, hold it in his mouth until needed. By blowing in one end, the werewolf can project a sound of his choosing to any location nearby. The target area must be within sight and earshot of the Uratha, be it on the other side of a room, behind an inquisitive security agent or whatever is fitting. The sound will emanate from targeted area and can be as soft as a whisper or as loud as a yelp of pain and can last up to a turn (3 seconds). The Uratha can imitate any sound he has previously heard. A mockingbird spirit empowers this talen.
Durability 1, Size 0, Structure 1
Action: Instant

Tick Bullet (Talen)[4]: These talens (which may take the form of bullets, arrowheads, or any other tiny projectile intended to lodge in a wound) siphon the Essence out of enemies so surreptitiously that an incautious victim might not know until it's too late. When the talen strikes a werewolf or other creature naturally possessed of an Essence trait (doing normal damage for a weapon of its type), its user's player rolls to activate the fetish, as normal. The target reflexively contests with Resolve + Primal Urge (or Resistance, for spirits). If the talen's user accrues more successes, then the spirit within the tick bullet pulls out and consumes a point of Essence, whereupon the target receives a reflexive follow-up roll of Wits + Composure with a -2 penalty. Failure means the subject is unaware that he has just lost a point of Essence.
Unsurprisingly, these talens are typically empowered by tick-spirits.
Action: Reflexive

Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet The Four of Us[5]: This simple figurine of four people standing back-to-back was developed by a Ghost Wolf Irraka who didn't have anyone to "get his back." When activated, it gives one person the Irraka is speaking to the vague impression that three others in the are might be the Uratha's allies via mistaken visual cues and tricks of the light. In a crowded café, it may give the target the idea that three other patrons are the Irraka's friends. In a darkened area, the target may believe that three figures are moving in the shadows. This gives the Irraka +2 on all Intimidation rolls for the scene. A fear- or trickery-spirit is necessary to empower this fetish.
Durability 1 (reinforced to 2), Size 0, Structure 2
Action: Instant

Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Skeleton Key[6]: No padlock or deadbolt is safe from a New Moon wielding one of these insidious fetishes. Often taking the form of an old-fashioned brass or iron key, successful activation of the skeleton key enables the spirit within it to open any fully mechanical lock, from the tumbler lock on a house's front door, to an old combination safe, to a simple hooked latch. This causes no damage to the lock and, when the werewolf is finished, he may reactive the fetish to secure the lock once more, leaving no physical evidence of his tampering.
This fetish is empowered by a spirit of openings or one noted for its craftiness and manual dexterity (monkey, otter, or raccoon, for example). Some Uratha are believed to possess more potent versions of the skeleton key (three or more dots of the Fetish Merit) capable of bypassing even electronic locks without leaving a trace.
Action: Instant

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Track Mirror[7]: For the most part, New Moons prefer to walk unseen when they're about the business of the Forsaken. Some trackers are particularly skilled, though, and not easily fooled by even the craftiest Stalker. This fetish (usually in the shape of a rough item of jewelry made up of pieces of footbones from various animals, lashed together with strips of tendon and leather) confounds the abilities of those who haunt the New Moon's steps. Upon activation, this fetish causes a number of identical false trails (complete with tracks, scent, broken twigs, bent blades of grass, smears of mud, and whatever else is appropriate to the Irraka's present environment) equal to activation successes to meander off in different directions for up to a full hour, if desired. These trails always move in ways that would be sensible for the werewolf to follow: through a stream or down the prevailing wind from dangerous predators, for example. In terms of raw sensory input (sight, smell, etc.) these false trails are indistinguishable from the real one; supernatural senses compare successes against the fetish's activation successes, with ties going to the fetish's user.
A spirit of deceit or one of an animal noted for instinctual acts of trickery (possum or chameleon, for instance) empowers this fetish.
Action: Instant

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Fortune Stone[8]: Upon activation, this green stone gives the wielder +2 on any resistance rolls (Resolve, Stamina, Composure) for three turns. This fetish is quite often associated with Irraka - who often need all the luck they can get. A rabbit- or whisky-spirit can empower this device. The fetish can be used once per scene.
Durability 2 (reinforced to 5), Size 0, Structure 5
Action: Reflexive

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Wandering Eye[9]: Sometimes, whatever it is that an Irraka has to see is happening around the corner. This fetish (which frequently takes the shape of a glass eye) enables a werewolf to look around obstacles, moving the perspective of his vision wherever he needs it to be, over short distances. Upon successfully activating the wandering eye, the Uratha can move his visual perceptions as though walking at his normal Speed, out to a maximum distance from his body equal to three yards times his Primal Urge. While concentrating on the visual input channeled to him by the fetish, the user loses his Defense and moves at an effective Speed of 1. He can end the effect any time he wishes as an instant action, but must reactivate the fetish if he wishes to make use of its powers again. Mystic barriers might be able to block the sensory input granted by the wandering eye and certain beings are capable of detecting the use of its powers upon them or their immediate surroundings.
An eagle spirit empowers this fetish.
Action: Instant

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet Klaive - Silence of Death[10]: This fetish always takes the form of a dagger of some sort: most modern examples are military combat knives, while older ones are frequently seen in the shape of stilettos. The weapon inflicts damage as a short sword (2L). Upon successfully striking an enemy, the user can activate the fetish in an attempt to utterly silence her victim. The target rolls Resolve as a reflexive action to contest the wielder's successes on his Harmony roll. Should he fail to accrue more successes than the klaive-user did in the fetish's activation, he becomes incapable of using any form of communication for the remainder of the scene. He cannot speak, howl, grunt, signal, send e-mail or text messages, use telepathy, or otherwise directly or indirectly purposefully convey information of any sort to another. New Moons using this fetish have killed enemies mere paces from their allies, with their victims unable even to cry out inarticulately for aid or so much as put up a noisy scuffle in an attempt to gain their friends' notice.
Spirits of silence, secrecy, or murder empower these fetishes.
Action: Reflexive

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet False Locus[11]: A scout needs to be able to master many terrains in order to best fulfill his function. An Uratha, unfortunately, has two worlds to worry about, both equally important and each one as likely as the other to hold valuable resources, vita; intelligence, or an enemy ambush. Since werewolves can typically only cross the Gauntlet at the site of a locus, however, the tactical options available to a New Moon outrider are somewhat limited. This fetish (typically fashioned into a choker, leather bracer, or some other tightly-secured article of clothing or adornment) alleviates some of that difficulty, obviating the need for a locus, though at an often steep cost. Upon successfully activating this fetish, the Uratha must spend points of Essence, as a reflexive action, equal to twice the local Gauntlet penalty for stepping sideways (see Werewolf: The Forsaken, p. 250-251), whereupon she begins the customary 10-turn transition through the Gauntlet. Note that this Essence expenditures for werewolves with low Primal Urge scores. The Uratha may not act as a pathfinder for others when using the false locus; when she crosses the Gauntlet, she crosses alone.
This fetish is empowered by a spirit of crossing or travel.
Action: Instant


Werewolf: The Forsaken Fetishes and Talens
First Edition
General Arrathudum · General Fetishes and Talens · Gazhdum · Indian Talens · Islamic Fetishes · Klaives · Protectorate Fetishes · United Kingdom Fetishes · Urban Fetishes · War-Fetishes · Wolf-Blooded Fetishes
Auspice Fetishes Cahalith · Elodoth · Irraka · Ithaeur · Rahu
Tribal Fetishes Bale Hounds · Blood Talons · Bone Shadows · Ghost Wolves · Hunters in Darkness · Iron Masters · Pure Tribes · Storm Lords
Lodge Fetishes Armèe Sauvage Fetishes · Bad Penny · Biografia Perfeita · Blessed String · Blood Rosary · City Compass · Condor Idol · Cuchillo de Hueso · Cult of Bones Fetishes · Death Howl Stone · Eyepiece · Eyes of the Unproven · Fire Hammer · The Gift of Madness · Guksu's Headdress · Kshatriyas Fetishes · Lightning Chain · Lodge of the Crossroads Fetishes · Lodge of Death Fetishes · Lodge of Echoes Fetishes · Lodge of Garm Fetishes · Lodge of Harbingers Fetishes · Lodge of Lightning Fetishes · Lodge of the Maelstrom Fetishes · Lodge of the Red Sands Fetishes · Lodge of Scavengers Fetishes · Lodge of Seasons Fetishes · Lodge of Swords Fetishes · Lodge of Thunder Fetishes · Lodge of the Willow Branch Fetishes · Luna’s Mercy · Map of the Pact · Poisoner’s Pen · Prophecy Bone · Purity Jewel · The Rose Among Thorns · Spirit's Dream · Standard of Station · Tears of Luna · Timbre Rattle · Truth-Catcher · Turndagger · Wraith-Claws
Unique Fetishes Billy Pine’s Cudgel · Blood Letter · Brick of the Ziggurat · Catamount’s Teeth · Dane’s Necklace · Hate and Pain · Lionel’s Promise · Moon Klaives · Stolen Fetishes · The Timesaver · Thunder Bird Staff
Second Edition
General Sample Fetishes and Talens
Lodge Fetishes Glorious Lyre · Thousand Steel Teeth Fetishes