White Wolf Wiki

The Irish Garden is a Glade in the Duchy of Goldengate in the Kingdom of Pacifica.



The most potent glade Golden Gate Park, the Irish Garden is in the relatively low-key exhibit of flowers transplanted from Ireland. The nunnehi have avoided the site for time out of mind, even though there is a tremendous surge of Glamour here. None have yet been able to understand why a very nice, but hardly spectacular arrangement of flowers, has such a charge of enchantment hovering around it. Theories as to why the exceptionally large roses and other flowers have such an otherworldly potence to them include everything from the power inherent in a handful of Irish soil (hogwash) to the idea that the park is actually a werewolf caern. The latter argument is somewhat undermined by the fact that no Garou will actually come near the place. And so the debates rage, but no one really cares as long as the Glamour is plentiful and the skies are blue.

