Ioba Fareye is a Metis Theurge Black Fury, and a member of the Freebooters camp. Her Metis condition is fragile claws, and she wears gloves to protect them in all her forms.
Ioba arrived in the Amazon two months ago, joining her pack at the Hollow Heart Caern. She had already learned two of the local languages and was ready for exploration. She is angry and disappointed to discover the rules down here. Golgol Fangs-First, for instance, will only allow her pack to leave the camp when he thinks it is safe. She has yet to get into the deep jungle. It is her dream to discover a lost city of the Incas or an older caern of some sort.
She is almost to the point of forging ahead without her pack, tired of waiting for them. If any packs are heading into the deep jungle, she will try to join them, bribing them with promises of great treasures which she claims only she can find.
Always be on the lookout for danger and adventure. You are a wide-eyed girl, always ready for excitement. Laugh a lot when you talk.
In Homid form, Ioba is a thin black woman about 5'3" in height. In Lupus form, she stands nine feet tall with black fur. She wears gloves in all forms to protect her claws, for it hurts to use her fragile natural weaponry. She appears to be in her late teens.
Character Sheet[]
Ioba Fareye
Tribe: Black Furies
Breed: Metis
Auspice: Theurge
Rank: 3
Renown: Glory 10,000; Honor 7,000; Wisdom 4,000.
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Abilities: Alertness 5, Archery 2, Athletics 3, Brawl 1, Dodge 3, Primal-Urge 3, Streetwise 1, Animal Ken 2, Drive 2, Firearms 4, Melee 2, Repair 3, Stealth 3, Survival 4, Enigmas 2, Linguistics 2, (Yanomami, Portuguese), Occult 2, Rituals 1, Science 2
Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Resources 2
Gifts: Create Element, Sense Wyrm, Heightened Senses, Burrow, Sight From Beyond
Rage: 4
Gnosis: 7
Willpower: 4
Merits/Flaws: Daredevil
Metis Disfigurement: Fragile Claws
Rites: Talisman Dedication, Rite of the Unveiled Glen
Fetishes: Bane Arrows (quiver of 20), Bane Skin, Small Klaive.
- WTA: Rage Across the Amazon, p. 48
- WTA: Rage Across the World Volume 3, p. 48