Insomnium is a Discipline not about, as the name implies, preventing sleep, but rather instead to make sleep as productive as night, and as fearsome as a loaded weapon. It is a time honored tradition of the Alucinor bloodline of the Mekhet, never to be taught to an outsider or imitated. Insomnium does have an important drawback, in that only one of its powers may be used on an awake subject; in general, it is meant to be practiced on those who are already asleep.
For more details, purchase the Bloodlines: The Hidden book for Vampire: the Requiem.
Dreams of the Many - The user has a sort of sixth sense about dreams, experiencing those of sleepers around her, gleaning valuable and unexpected information.
Lucid Dreaming - Allows the Alucinor to manifest in the dreams of others, and alter the content of the dreams in limited fashion.
Chain the Enslumbered Mind - Causes others to enter a state between waking and dreaming, a senseless meld of fantasy and reality that dulls their senses and makes it harder for them to resist.
Blissful Sleep - Lulls the target into a deep, dark sleep, filled with passionate and beautiful dreams.
Travails of Morpheus - Causes a nightmare to become backed by deadly force, capable of killing someone in their sleep.
- VTR: Bloodlines: The Hidden, p. 15 -19