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Incognitos are a type of Clique among the Hollow Ones; a "Tradition" of the Council of Nine Mystic Traditions.



The Incognitos are the true revolutionaries among the Hollow Ones and wage a purely tactical war against the Technocratic Union. They try to put cracks in the Technocracy's vaunted "unity," realizing that it really is just a façade. With contacts among the Moles and the Railroad Riders, the Incognitos are revolutionary think tanks. Rarely, if ever, seeing the field, they sit in Hollow One-controlled coffee shops and cafes all over the world, hopped up on caffeine, absinthe, or what-have-you, and brainstorm how to turn the Conventions against each other. Their theories, often involving revealing the dirty secrets of the Conventions to the NWO, are then sent out along the Hollow Railroad to other Hollow cliques as tactical information. Fortunately, as far as is known, there are no Incognito groups that exist to work against the Traditions.

Workers in, and Seers of, conspiracy theories, they sow chaos and anarchy within the enemy. The downside is that they often become more and more paranoid and they are watched closely by their comrades out of fear they will fall into Quiet as their sanity deteriorates under the pressure of juggling the Ascension War's fallout.


  1. MTA. Tradition Book: Hollow Ones, p 51.