White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Iggy's Head Shop is found in the the Tenderloin district of San Francisco.



Decorated with a large R. Crumb drawing reputed to be the legendary Kithain "chemist" Iggy, this store offers the widest range of illicit paraphernalia and Grateful Dead memorabilia to be found anywhere.

Under the swinging wooden sign in the shape of the Crumb cartoon, a plain wooden door leads into head shop paradise. A haze of technicolor smoke is everywhere; sweet-smelling and gentle. Lamps line the walls, flowering and branching into hookahs which would impress Aladdin's genie. Chimerical plants grow up through the wooden floorboards, making the store seem a meadow of red poppies, morning-glories, and ragged weeds. The plants grow from the walls and ceiling as well, as do the omnipresent mushrooms. These fungi, also chimerical, glow blue when the store lights are turned off.

The owner, a permanently blissed-out Boggan grump known only as "Herbie," claims to be able to read fortunes from the mushrooms' patterns. Then again, he also claims that the plants eat anyone who tries to rob the place, so who knows? All that it certain is that A) the store has never been robbed and B) Herbie owns both a very large chimerical axe and an almost-as-large, very-much-real shotgun. In either case, even Ragger's kids tend to watch their step inside. It's more pleasant for everyone that way.


Whether Herbie's shop is actually supplied by Ignatz is not specified in the literature. For an idea of what sort of Glamourous drugs might be found here, though, see the article on Ignatz.

