White Wolf Wiki

Forged in flame and battle hardened, an Ifrit (pl. afareet) has little patience for weakness.


They value strength, honor, and shrewd leadership. The afareet are known for being formidable in battle, not only thanks to their physical prowess but also their strategy. They never shy away from a fight, as long it is for a cause they consider righteous, and they are known to be capable generals in times of battle. They can be provoked easily when their skill or their honor is called into question. An ifrit will answer any slight with a sharp tongue – or a sharp blade.

The dreams that shaped afareet may not have been nightmares, but they were not entirely pleasant either, often providing solace to dreamers in times of war, destruction, and bloodshed. The afareet were formed from the righteous anger and raw power necessary to survive that violence. Afareet often take on leadership roles within their communities, becoming the person that Jinn depend on in times of conflict. They may be warriors or mercenaries, soldiers or officers, executives or politicians.

Appearance & Lifestyle[]

Among changelings, afareet are most likely to join whichever group or great house shows them appreciation for their talents, especially if they are given opportunities to lead. If they are told that they lack experience, they will go out of their way to gain it – a determination which sometimes results in disaster. More than a few afareet have ridden into battle set on defeating their lord’s enemy singlehandedly, and fewer have returned. With time, though, afareet who survive their own quick tempers learn that choosing when to swing your sword is just as important as how well you swing it.

Afareet have a commanding presence. In human form, they often grow to be the tallest member of their immediate family; an ifrit’s fae mien is larger still, rough skin the color of stone or sand, always hot to the touch. Fire dances in their eyes. An ifrit may emerge from Chrysalis carrying flaming blades, or wearing glowing molten armor. They adore jewelry and wear it in large amounts in both mortal and fae seemings – earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and rings – each of which may be augmented chimerically, and often carries personal meaning. Their clothing is vibrantly colored and loose fitting to allow for ease of movement.

The fire consumes the kindling, but it gives light and warmth in return. I may leave ash in my wake, but at least I destroy with a purpose.

Afareet thrive in warmer climates, often choosing cities over rural areas. In the mortal sphere, patriotic afareet may decide to join the military for its structure and for opportunities to work off their aggressive tendencies. Others may opt to become bodyguards or bouncers for Jinn nobility, in order to make good use of their intimidating stature. Even afareet who don’t go into a physical profession tend to keep themselves fit. Ultimately, an ifrit will find work that rewards him with a strong sense of purpose and/or with status as a leader. Afareet seemings can neatly be summed up with three words: battle (childlings), tactics (wilders), and strategy (grumps) – this kith loves to fight, literally or metaphorically. It’s just the scale of the battle and their role in it that changes.

Afareet regain Glamour when fighting for a cause they see as righteous, when pitting themselves against serious opponents, and when they take the lead in times of crisis. It’s a common misconception that they are bloodthirsty. The real appeal to them is not in doing harm, but in proving one’s mettle against worthy opposition. Though winning, of course, is still sweetest. Even by Jinn standards, there is little subtle about an ifrit Unleashing her magic – cinders and motes of ash swirl around her body, a smoky haze descends on the area, the temperature spikes to a sweltering pitch, and harmless but vivid chimerical flames spring up around both caster and target.

Birthrights & Frailities[]


  • Flame Forged: Extreme heat and smoke inhalation do not bother them, and they do not take damage from ordinary fire. An ifrit may also spend 1 Glamour to ignore damage from a source of magical fire for a scene.
  • Warrior’s Might: Afareet are even stronger than they appear – which is often saying something. Add one dot to an ifrit’s Strength Attribute, even if that increases it above 5. Afareet cannot botch Athletics or Intimidation rolls.


  • Hot Headed: If an ifrit feels that she has been slighted, she will insist that the other party make amends or, failing that, challenge them to combat or some form of direct competition. An ifrit must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 8) to avoid immediately and directly answering an insult, and letting an insult stand unanswered triggers Banality. Note that only fairly serious insults provoke this response – being called a jerk by a passing stranger who bumps into the ifrit on the street will not force the ifrit to challenge him to a duel in order to avoid triggering Banality, though it will likely still provoke the ifrit’s quick temper!

