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The Iduth Zana aka Moon-Puppets are Wolf-blooded possessed by a Lune Spirit. Very few werewolves know about them.

Overview: The Process of Puppetry[]

  • Only uragarum characters with Wolf-blooded *** or more can become Moon-Puppets. Normal humans are ineligible. This restriction is another reason why these beings are so rare.
  • The Lune in question must successfully use the Possession Numen on the wolf-blood. The Lune only has one opportunity to do so. Sometimes, the Lune simply appears and explains its desires to the wolf-blood, asking if she wishes to experience this "honor." If the wolf-blood refuses, the Lune can still attempt to force possession.
  • If possession is successful, the uragarum becomes a Moon-Puppet until the next sunrise. During this time, the Moon-Puppet uses it human intellect and newfound spirit's understanding of the world to accomplish a particular task. The phase of the moon restricts the nature of this task.
  • The Lune can forcibly change the wolf-blood's form on a limited basis. During the night, the Iduth Zana can take two of the four forms (besides Hishu, obviously) available to werewolves. Which form taken depends on the nature of the task the Line undertakes, but Gauru is always unavailable. With one exception, once the Lune initiates the change from human form, the Moon-Puppet cannot change back until the task is completed or until sunrise.
  • After completion of the task or at dawn's first light (if the task goes unfinished), the uragarum falls into a deep sleep and regains his human shape. The wolf-blood doesn't simply fall over where he stands. Instead, he finds a quiet, dark place and curls up, slowly changing back to his natural form. The Lunacy clouds the wolf-blood's mind, affecting his memory as though his Willpower score was three points lower than it actually is.

Tasks and Forms[]

Full Moon: These Moon-Puppets are created to be warriors. They assume either Dalu or Urshul form and tear into whatever enemies the Lune has designated.
Gibbous Moon: These Moon-Puppets are created to bring nightmares. A gibbous moon Iduth Zana can take either Urshul or Dalu form, depending on what kind of "inspiration" her guiding Lune requires her to impart.
Half-Moon: The Elunim create Moon-Puppets when something in the area needs judgment, and the Uratha are unwilling, unable or too ignorant of the subject matter to take on the role (or, just possibly, when the Lune feels that they have already passed judgment and come to the wrong conclusion). Such Iduth Zana can assume Urhan and Urshul forms, depending on how dangerous the matter or being is that requires judgment.
Crescent Moon: These Moon-Puppets can assume Dalu form only, because their function is not to fight or flee, but to appease the spirits with chiminage or break them down by enacting their bans.
New Moon: When the Silent Choir create Moon-Puppets, no one finds out. The most powerful and deadly of the Iduth Zana are those created when no moon shines at all, when the Irralunim decide (or ordered - again, no one truly knows) to meddle in the minds of the wolf-blooded. New moon Iduth Zana are unique in that they can assume any form (except Gauru) and can switch back and forth from those forms to human form as often as they like. This flexibility has a price, however. Every change beyond the first inflicts one point of lethal damage to the wolf-blood.


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