White Wolf Wiki

Iberia is a peninsula in southwestern Europe. It is also a group of Kingdoms of the Kithain in Spain and Portugal.


Main article: History of Iberia (WOD)
Spanish Flag

Four kingdoms comprise the faerie realm of Iberia: Navarre, Aragon, Leone, and Castille. Although they often act as allies to their neighbor, Neustria, the sidhe who rule Iberia have a much more relaxed attitude toward commoners, welcoming them into their freeholds whether or not they are bound by oaths. They particularly appreciate boggans and eshu, the one for their practicality and no-nonsense approach to enchantment, and the other for their ability to weave elaborate tales of wonder from a few rags of facts. Ruled by King Lorenzo of House Eiluned and Queen Elizabeta of House Gwydion, the land enjoys prosperity and peace, so far.




  1. C20Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 77.