White Wolf Wiki

The Iar’i Magica originated as a social organization for technology-savvy Tradition mages. Even before the crash of the Digital Web, its membership of regularly active willworkers expanded to include Disparates and Hollow Ones. But even at that time, it is little more than an Internet chat room for the exchange of ideas and the letting off of steam among likethinkers. Because it was originally built not on the Digital Web, but instead on the mundane Internet, the Iar’i chat server weathered the recent whiteout with minimal loss of connectivity.

Secured by the efforts of mages from nearly all of the Traditions, it has also proven to be impervious to Technocracy intrusion thus far. Over its history, Iar’i Magica has become much more than just a group of net friends. Several face to-face meetings have been arranged and strong friendships have emerged. Though possibly the smallest cross-Tradition organization to qualify as a faction, Iar’i may prove to be one of the most influential in coming days. The Iar’i Magica is perhaps unique among technology associated Cabals and factions in that it does not seek to push the edge of technomagic. While they do not hesitate to protect themselves and their virtual Chantry in any manner they are able, they shy away from advanced science. They feel that existing technology is sufficient to their needs and that anything more would attract attention. Arcane handheld PDAs may be appropriate for other mages, but not Iar’i. They are happy to communicate through a server humming quietly in a computer room filled with dozens of other machines dedicated to even more mundane purposes.

