Ian Carfax was a long-time Archon of Justicar Schrekt, eventually replacing him as the Tremere Justicar after the Fall of Vienna.
Carfax was a long-time associate with Schrekt, being at his side in the 1970s when the Tremere antitribu Anathema Jie Han was destroyed and when Gangrel Archon Klaudia Lange was awarded with the Trophy. He also acted as a intermediary when his superior tried to insult the Gangrel by trying to make her Frenzy. He was also present with Schrekt in Berlin in the 1990s to investigate the case of the false Caine. Carfax was known to present himself more like a Ventrue than a Tremere, and that he had the secret ambition of becoming Justicar himself.
In 2011, Carfax has been granted his wish and was appointed to be the Tremere Justicar. He and his colleague Lucinde support a more formalized stance against the Anathema, but are not sure how to approach. Carfax believes that the nomination of Alastors should be struck into a new formal military division, expressly outlining how the Justicars can conscript the hunters and what their relationships are.
In 2021, Carfax travelled to the Twin Cities to appraise his clanmate, Calder Wendt, who hoped that the Justicar would back his claim of Praxis. He was among those Camarilla attacked by the Mortician's Army, a local hunter cell, defeating their assault in a monstrous feat of Blood Sorcery. In the aftermath, Carfax would supervise the installment of Cecily Bain as Prince.
Unbeknownst to the most of the Court, Carfax did not immediately depart. He instead relayed secret orders to Wendt to inscribe sorcerous wards within a local church known as "The Volga". Wendt was initially under the impression that the Justicar wished for him to transform the church into a new Elysium, when in reality the Volga was in fact an ancient caern - the Justicar having plans to exploit it's unique spiritual properties in order to stave off the call of the Beckoning. This plot would backfire tremendously: the werewolves of the Great Lakes Pack laid siege to the Twin Cities in response to the caern's defilement. Carfax himself would come face-to-face with the pack alpha, the Silver Fang Ahroun Tyrell "The Stainless" Stinar - the two engaging in a bloody duel that left both combatants grievously wounded.
Stinar's packmates would pull him out of the fray, but Carfax was not so lucky. The Justicar suffered the Final Death amidst the flames that engulfed the Volga - part of a trap set for the Tremere by Prince Bain. Justicar or not, the newly-minted Prince would suffer no outside plots within her domain.
Ian prefers the dramatic approach and can normally be found in fine English clothes with a formal opera cloak and a silver-headed cane. He is an observer, soft-spoken, and quiet until the time comes for him to act.
Roleplay tips:
Ian is both fearsome and highly intelligent; he always makes a quick study of the situation at hand before he acts. Vampire: The Masquerade books
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