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Hunter Book: Visionary is a creed book for Hunter the Reckoning.


From the White Wolf Catalog:
Prophets or Madmen
"Monsters might win battles, but we are going to win the war."
Visionaries: The thinkers, prophets and leaders of the imbued. Hunters struggle against the supernatural night after night, but to what end? Visionaries live in the now and look to the future, hoping to guide the imbued to a better world maybe one that only they can see. What makes these hunters so certain of their calling? Does it matter if their vision becomes reality?
They Have Seen the Light
Hunter Book: Visionary is part of a Hunter: The Reckoning series dedicated to the creeds, the character types of the imbued. Learn Visionaries philosophies, motives and ultimate goals in searching for the answers to the questions on all hunters lips: Who created us, why were we chosen, can the supernatural be overcome or will we all die trying?


Prologue: Revelation[]

Witness1 and Walker37 travel to Pittsburgh to verify whether Fyodor really carried out the experiments detailed in Hunter Apocrypha.


An introduction to the Visionary creed and recommended reading for portraying Visionaries.

  • Lexicon
  • Source Materials
    • Fight Club
    • Gandhi
    • Le Morte D'Arthur
    • The Matrix
    • Vampires$ by John Steakley
    • The Uncanny X-Men

Chapter 1: Who Are We?[]

A discussion of what Imbued and Messengers are, how they are selected, and how Visionaries fit into the larger mission. Also included is a brief discussion of different foes.

Chapter 2: Realizing Your Vision[]

The Visionaries discuss organizational issues such as managing teams, balancing the hunt and personal lives, interpersonal conflict, and the importance of working together. 

Chapter 3: The Sum of Our Parts[]

A series of posts related to different kinds of hunters (i.e., Creeds) and their roles. 

Chapter 4: Inherit the Earth[]

Visionaries describe their long-term goals, including how to defeat the rots and plans for a post-vampire society.

Chapter 5: New Rules[]

New rules for use with Visionaries, including Vision edges, archetypes, derangements, camps, and more.

  • New Archetypes
    • Advisor
    • Analyst
  • Camps and Course
    • Single-Minded
    • Pragmatic
    • Open-Minded
  • The High Cost of Commitment
    • The Price of Vision
      • Puppeteerism
      • Tunnel Vision
      • Volatility
  • Edges
    • Focus Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet
    • Summon Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet
    • Rally Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet
    • Unify Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet
    • Determine Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet

Chapter 6: Prevailing Winds[]

Character templates for Visionaries, as well as descriptions and stats for notable Visionary characters in the World of Darkness.

  • Templates
    • Aspiring Celebrity
    • City Politician
    • Inner-City Priest
    • Morgue Attendant

Background Information[]

  • At the back of the book is an ad for Mummy: The Resurrection (Mar. 2001).

Memorable Quotes[]


  • Alleyman
  • Crusader17
  • Oracle171
  • Solomon
  • Tanguera352: An Argentinian hunter who is possibly creating a clandestine army under a religious dictatorship - or not.
  • Bookworm55
  • Stella142: A skeptic who dispels other Visionaries' plans.
  • J., "Jason" - Imbued
  • Carpenter169
  • Forscherin263: A researcher developing a new weapon against the supernatural.
  • Hannibal137
  • Dole7
  • Oursine - Imbued
  • Prologue: Revelation
  • Chapter 1: Who Are We?
  • Chapter 2: Realizing Your Vision
    • Stefan - Imbued
    • Otto - Risen, Crumbled to Dust
    • Descent88 - Imbued
  • Chapter 3: The Sum of Our Parts
  • Chapter 4: Inherit the Earth
  • Chapter 6: Prevailing Winds
    • Earl Deams, aka Shaka74: A former soldier documenting rots in the New Orlean police department
      • Erick Franco - Imbued
      • Jager51 - Imbued
    • Fyodor: A ruthless hunter conducting inhumane experiments to better understand their enemies
    • Paul Moreton, aka Sixofswords29: A manager of hunter cells who aims on developing a network of the Imbued.
    • Jennie Orne, aka Cassie247: Revolutionary working toward a post-vampire society dominated by the Imbued.
    • Kim Sun, aka Witness1: Developer behind Hunter-Net, humanity's safe place on the web.


Lexicon: the adversaries, big idea, the challenge, homebody, in the field, lurker (skulker), mirco-manager, prophet, revelation, tunnel visionary, visionary; Allegheny City, America, Anchorite Press, Apocrypha, Broadway, Buenos Aires, Bystander, Cleveland, Croydon, Danger List, Detroit, Dubai, Dunblane, Echelon, Europe, Firelight, Germany, Greece, Haiti, Heralds, Hungerford, Hunter-Net, Ipswich, Judgmentday, Kolpino, Lake Erie, Messengers, New Orleans, New York, New York City, Observatory Hill, Olympia, Pittsburgh, Portland, Providence, Rat-Man, Renton, Riverview Park, Rose Foundation, San Francisco, Santa Clara, Seattle, St. Petersburg, Suffolk, Sydney, Taiwan, Toledo, Triage, UK, United States, Unity, Vancouver, Vietnam, Vigil, Wahington, Washington State University, The Word, Zacatecoluca,

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