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Hunter Book: Martyr is a creed book for Hunter: The Reckoning.


From the White Wolf catalog:

Every Revolution has its Martyrs
"You monsters can't win. You can strike me down, but another will rise to take my place!" Martyrs: The sacrificial among hunters, but by no means the lambs. Martyrs believe that inspiring the imbued against the supernatural means leading from the front, suffering the teeth and claws of the enemy and perhaps even dying for the cause. What makes these hunters lay down their very lives for humanity? Unremitting guilt? Unrequited love? Unrestrained faith? Just don't let their sacrifice be in vain.
They Die for Your Salvation
Hunter Book: Martyr is part of a Hunter: The Reckoning series dedicated to the creeds, the character types of the imbued. Learn Martyrs' philosophies, motives and ultimate goals in dedicating their lives to the cause. All these new Traits, edges and rules help them make the ultimate sacrifice. It's their cross to bear.


Prologue: Welcome Back[]


  • Lexicon
  • Source Material
    • Bringing Out the Dead
    • Fight Club
    • Millennium
    • Saving Private Ryan

Chapter 1: Heed the Call[]

Examines the origins of Maryts as Martyrs perceive them. The creed's members pursue personal causes and endure guilt over their actions to extents that few other imbued do, all of which colors their understanding of the calling.

Chapter 2: Cross to Bear[]

Looks at the methods and beliefs of Martyrs. It's easy to think that creed members jump into the jaws of death at every opportunity, but that's far from the truth. They suffer for a purpose and this chapter examines how they go about it.

Chapter 3: Lambs All[]

Deals with Martyrs' view of and relations with other imbued. Many creed members are so fired with their own causes that they dismiss fellow hunters. Other Martyrs seek to show the imbued the light of a cause, whether by instruction or object lesson.

Chapter 4: Coming Sacrifices[]

Reveals Martyrs' perspective on the future. These hunters are convinced that they will lay down their lives, sooner or later. Instead of make them ignore the future, this fatalism makes them focus on it.

Chapter 5: New Rules[]

Provides you with all the game mechanics and advice needed to make your Martyr unique. Various new edges and Traits broaden creed members' capabilities, and detailed guidelines help you build a character who is more than a suicidal freak.

  • New Archetype
    • Masochist
  • Camps
    • Militant
    • Reluctant
    • Idealist
  • The High Price of Commitment
    • Derangements
      • Sadism
      • Self-Mutilation
  • Edges
    • Project Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet
    • Revelation Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet
    • Inflict Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet
    • Ordeal Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet
    • Expiate Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet

Chapter 6: Martyrs at Large[]

Provides you with a selection of Martyrs out there fighting the good fight. Ready-to-play templates can get you going in a flash, while notable Martyrs give you examples to follow or avoid.

  • Templates
    • Homeless Guy
    • Terminal Patient

Background Information[]

  • The ad at the back of the book is for Exalted.

Memorable Quotes[]


  • Carol
  • Tommy
  • Prologue: Welcome Back
  • Chapter 1: Heed the Call
    • Rigger111
    • Jimmy - Section Manager
    • xxx289 - Imbued
    • Anon52 - Imbued
    • Pattern179 - Imbued
    • Rosita - Maid
    • Memphis68
    • Crusader17
    • Maria
    • Sleepless71 - Imbued
    • Reaper201 - Imbued
    • Descent88 - Imbued
    • Enigma143 - Imbued
    • Tiffany
  • Chapter 2: Cross to Bear
  • Chapter 3: Lambs All
    • "Sam" - Imbued
    • Billy - Imbued
    • Jenny - Imbued
    • Ruth - Imbued
    • Rebecca - Imbued
  • Chapter 4: Coming Sacrifices
    • John
    • Belinda
    • Muezzin318 - Imbued
    • Roshni231 - Imbued
    • Mbele207 - Imbued
    • Fenian258 - Imbued
    • Hajirah252 - Imbued
    • Tyrone Bellamy
    • Hadrian Cross - Died
    • Jay Harvinen - Conyers Spokesman
  • Chapter 6: Martyrs at Large


Lexicon: charity case, the choice, cross to bear, drama queen, hole (falling into a hole), preacher (Falwell, savior), slacker, the tested, the time; Africa, Alabama, Atlanta, Baltimore, Berlin, Bosnia, Boston, Brazil, Brazzaville, Brooklyn, Chechnya, Conyers State Prison, Croatia, Georgia, Germany, India, Iron Rapids, Kansas City, Kashmir, Manhattan, Martyr, Michigan, Middle East, New York, New York City, Oklahoma City, Pakistan, Peshawar, Queens, Somalia, South Carolina, United States, Wichita, Yugoslavia, Zaire,

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