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Welcome to Hunter: The Reckoning - Dialogues

in this page, you'll see each lines each hunters said throughout 3 games of the Trilogy, this will give you all the insight of what their actions tell the story of what will happen. enjoy reading each dialogue you read from the 6 Hunters from "Hunter: The Reckoning" Series.

Father Esteban Cortez Dialogues[]

(Hunter: The Reckoning - Prologue Narration) - "Last year, convicted serial killer Nathaniel Arkady, was scheduled to die by electrocution. Things did not go according to plan. They call this …the imbuing. When everything you've ever known becomes a lie. The secret is laid bare, and the truth is revealed. There it stands in all its unholy glory: evil personified and presented for hideous edification. Monsters exist and they are everywhere. Of all the people present that day, only the four of us could see. See the guards for the monsters they were, and see the dead rise from the depths of Ashcroft Prison to take their revenge. In the end, we managed to push the creatures back, and finally, lock them away in the prison. No one would ever have to disturb them again… or so we hoped." "On the anniversary of Nathaniel Arkady’s execution, the spirits were re-awakened. No longer content to stay within the walls of Ashcroft, this time they unleashed their anger and hatred against the entire town. And so, we’ve come back. Just as we promised. Back to where it all began, and our lives ended. We Hunt…"

(Mission 1 - Subway Station + Cletus interaction)

  • "Do you think you can get a train up and running soon?"
  • "We need a way out... I'll send whoever I find."

(Mission 2 - Streets)

  • "I'll take care of the girl. You go ahead."

(Mission 3 - Playground + Boss 1)

  • "God help me..."

(Carpenter interaction)

  • "I just don't think i can trust you."

(Mission 5 - Church + Teddy Bear boss)

  • "Not here you bastards..."

(2nd Carpenter interaction)

  • "Get off the alter creature. Now."

(Mission 13 - Mansion Interior 1 + Degenhardt Boss)

  • "Degenhardt...I want to know what's going on"
  • "Nathaniel Arkady, and the other prisoners, suffered enough because of you, I won't let you hurt anyone else."

(Mission 24 - Death Row + Carpenter Boss)

  • "What brings you to us this time Carpenter?"
  • "I'm a fool. This was it all along wasn't it? All your help, just for revenge?"
  • "Well, it looks like both of our problems have been solved already. Hadrian is dead Carpenter."

(Nathaniel Arkady Boss)

  • "Nathaniel please... you can end this."
  • "Nathaniel, come with me. We can fix this. It's not too late."
  • "I cannot help you anymore Nathaniel. This has to end...tonight."
  • "You opened the hole last time Nathaniel, who else has that kind of power?"
  • "The Warden's family is dead. He cannot play God. I won't let him."

(Wayward Cutscenes)

  • "Welcome back to the land of the living my son. Would you be God_45 or Fanatic656."
  • "Since we only found the one of you, we fear the worst for your companion, are you up to talking?"
  • "Apparently not."
  • "Can we get back in using the tunnels."
  • "Where are you off to now?"

(Redeemer Cutscenes)

  • "No. But that doesn't mean anything. Hold your position until the others arrive."
  • "They've never let us down before Kaylie. Have faith...they will come."
  • "Kaylie! are you alright?"
  • "Easy Spenser. She's still new to this."
  • "Your suffering ends here creature."
  • "I won't let you hurt her Spenser."
  • "Not while he still breathes."
  • "You've Betrayed us all Xavier Lucien."
  • "You have been judged."

Spenser "Deuce" Wyatt Dialogues[]

(Hunter: The Reckoning Cutscenes)

(Mission 1 - Subway Station + Cletus interaction)

  • "How long before you get it running?"
  • "You'll get your help. Now get to work"

(Mission 2 - Streets)

  • "You're just going to get killed. Get to the church, I'll get her."

(Mission 3 - Playground + Boss 1)

  • "What the hell is going on?"

(Carpenter Interaction)

  • "I don't need help from any rot."

(Mission 5 - Church + Teddy Bear Boss)

  • "You've got to be freakin kidding me."

(2nd Carpenter Interaction)

  • "I'm getting pretty sick of you freak."

(Mission 13 - Mansion Interior 1 + Degenhardt Boss)

  • "How do I stop this? How do I close the hole?"
  • "Can't do that. Too many of you parasites running around as it is. I'm not leaving one behind me."

(Mission 24 - Death Row + Carpenter Boss)

  • "I was hoping you were dead Carpenter. What do you want?"
  • "You bastard. You set us up."
  • "Hadrian? The vamp in the morgue? He's dead Carpenter. You're too late."

(Nathaniel Arkady Boss)

  • "Oh hell."
  • "Well you won't be killing anyone, anymore freak."
  • "Shit"
  • "I'm not letting you do this again. I should've killed you last time."
  • "You're just trying to buy yourself time."
  • "Son of a bitch. He's trying to get his family back."

(Wayward Cutscenes)

  • "I hate Ashcoft?"
  • "Why bother, get out of the way, and I'll open it."
  • "sorry Sam but you're outvoted."
  • "We killed him, didn't we?"
  • "Not those friggin tunnels again."
  • "This looks like a likely place I needed to start."
  • "Maybe you want to include us in?"
  • "What!"
  • "Somebody want to explain that?"
  • "No problem, been quite some time since I've kicked some ass, thought I was starting to lose my Edge."

(Redeemer Cutscenes)

  • "I don't believe he was speaking to you, asshole.
  • "Don't order me about little girl."
  • "I... . HATE... . ASHCROFT."
  • "What do you know ... there is a Santa Claus."
  • "Move Kaylie. I'm not letting him get away this time."
  • "This isn't a game kid. You have no idea who you're pushin. You ain't got the stones to take me out. Do not become an example."
  • "You really think you're gonna stop me with that rickety piece of shit, Preacher?"
  • "Fine .. then I shoot through you."
  • "Come on kid. Let's get out of here."

Samantha Alexander Dialogues[]

(Hunter: The Reckoning Cutscenes)

(Mission 1 - Subway Station + Cletus interaction)

  • "What do you need to clear the track?"
  • "I'll do what I can."

(Mission 2 - Streets)

  • "I'll find her. I promise. Now go."

(Mission 3 - Playground + Boss 1)

  • "That's right! Over here ugly."

(Carpenter Interaction)

  • "Save your help."

(Mission 5 - Church + Teddy bear boss)

  • "Oh...hell...no... ."

(2nd Carpenter Interaction)

  • "I think it's time you explain who you really are."

(Mission 13 - Mansion Interior 1 + Degenhardt Boss)

  • "Tell me how to send the ghosts back."
  • "You're lying. Now maybe I didn't make myself perfectly clear. Does this jolt your memory?"

(Mission 24 - Death Row + Carpenter Boss)

  • "Carpenter? What are you doing here?"
  • "You needed us to get inside. You used us."
  • "You don't have to worry about him anymore Carpenter. Hadrian won't be torturing anyone anymore."

(Nathaniel Arkady Boss)

  • "Get up Arkady. You have a lot of questions to answer."
  • "I think you should get out of that chair, then we'll go someplace less...posessed, and talk about this."
  • "Don't move Arkady! I swear to God if you even twitch I'm blowing your damn head off!"
  • "Who would do something like that? Unless..."
  • "The warden's not dead. It was a trick. He was keeping us busy."

(Wayward Cutscenes)

  • "Let's get this over with."
  • "I've almost got it?"
  • "No one home, and no signs of a struggle, so our new friends must have left on their own. We should know more about these people, let's spread out and see what we can find that's useful."
  • "I think I know what their plans were. Everyone take a look at these, they were looking for something in this area. We should start our search for them in the same place."
  • "Carpenter?"
  • "What did you see in the Prison, how many are in there."
  • "So, let's find a tank, for the next best thing and crash through those gates."
  • "I left the servers so I wouldn't have to go to places like this."
  • "Once we have power, we'll have to see about getting those cameras working as well."
  • "He's coming around."
  • "Why aren't you going to tell us your plan?"
  • "Perhaps you could use some backup."

(Redeemer Cutscenes)

  • "Kaylie can you tell us who this is, and what in the hell is going on?"
  • "You don't have to. Everyone get ready."
  • "You're not helping."
  • "I don't know what you're trying to prove girl, but you're going to get your ass shot off for a werewolf. Before you go throwing yourself in front of guns, you'd better be damn sure whatever it is you're fighting for is worth it."
  • "We have to get out of here!"

Kassandra Cheyung Dialogues[]

(Hunter: The Reckoning Cutscenes)

(Mission 1 - Subway Station + Cletus interaction)

  • "Well you need to get that thing moving Cletus, things are going to get real ugly."
  • "This is off to a great start."

(Mission 2 - Streets)

  • "Just get to the church. I'll find her."

(Mission 3 - Playground + Boss 1)

  • "That's disgusting."

(Carpenter Interaction)

  • "I think we can do this without your help."

(Mission 5 - Church + Teddy Bear Boss)

  • "Well...shit."

(2nd Carpenter Interaction)

  • "I won't take it from you either, rot. What do you want?."

(Mission 13 - Mansion Interior 1 + Degenhardt Boss)

  • "Hey...old guy. Why do I get the feeling you have something to do with this?"
  • "You've got nerve. I can't believe you actually expect me to feel sorry for you. Save the crybaby crap for someone who cares."

(Mission 24 - Death Row + Carpenter Boss)

  • "So now we know what you do in your spare time."
  • "Nice. We carve a path, and you stroll through. You dirty sonofabitch."
  • "Oops...all that trouble... and he's already dead. That's a sad story."

(Nathaniel Arkady Boss)

  • "Should you be sitting there... you know, voluntarily."
  • "Making you do what? What the hell are you talking about?"
  • "Now stay down and shut up. If I have to hear one more drawn out, crybaby story I'll freaking scream."
  • "The rave was a set up? They killed all those people...on purpose?"
  • "He...he threw the rave. The warden killed all of them... how do I stop him?"

(Wayward Cutscenes)

  • "What's the matter old man, this was cake last time."
  • "A cop that can pick a lock, who knew."
  • "I'm with Deuce on this, let him break it down."
  • "Quite the whole movie collection this guy has, these videos must be from surveillance cameras. They're dated up until a few days ago, the most recent tapes are missing, I wonder if they've collected them or not."
  • "Father, he's waking up."
  • "So, now we just need to find a tank... great, anyone got any ideas."
  • "Tell us something we don't already know?"
  • "This must be where they watched all the inmates taking showers, and I'm a freak, only a couple of the cameras seem to be working though."
  • "You're welcome, it was no problem coming to rescue you... please, just your presence is thanks enough."
  • "I never want to see this town again, the next time I gotta come here I'm burning it down? What!"

(Redeemer Cutscenes)

  • "Well, I can't say I was expecting that."
  • "Seriously Deuce, Turn it down a little. You don't have to shoot everybody."
  • "If you guys are trying to figure who's got the biggest... I gotta tell you I think Fido here's got you beat."
  • "Uh Kaylie... I don't think he's bluffing."
  • "Sonofabtich!!"
  • "Little help please!!"

Joshua Matthews Dialogues[]

(Wayward Cutscenes)

  • "Yeah I cleaned the gun."
  • "Let's go"
  • "To Priest316, cop380, Raver620, Biker365. You do not know me, but I know you, each of you was one of the survivors of Ashcroft, but your mistaken in your belief that you won. A cult has arisen here, bizarre flesh creatures and rots are stalking the streets, people have started disappearing, the shadows have been shrouded this place and I can feel a link to something… otherworldly, I am seeking your help. Come to Ashcroft we will cut the malignancy from this world one tumor at a time, come to Ashcroft."
  • "God45, Joshua."
  • "I guess, I don't know that much anyway it's kind of a blur. Fanatic...sorry, Devin and I left to collect the tapes from the surveillance cameras, we were getting close to one of the cameras when i got a premonition of a trap. All of the sudden we were surrounded and a Werewolf waded into the circle, Fanatic and I opened fire, but it was a lost cause. I blacked out soon after that, I woke up in a prison cell, I looked out into the main room and saw Devin chained down. I think I passed out again shortly after that, because when I woke up, there was this freak of nature standing at the cell door."
  • "he told me the quickest way out of the prison and heeding it's advice i ran."
  • "I didn't get a chance to take a census, but what I saw was a lot?"
  • "No, they were trying to seal them as I was making my escape, the only way you are getting into that prison is through the front door."
  • "Clans to the prison would be nice too, I mean if it wasn't for that rot I'd still be wandering around in that damn place, it's amazing there."
  • "I'm coming with?"
  • "Then power should be our first concern, we should get the power up first and then go from there."
  • "He's a loose cannon who's lost his grip."
  • "That's not gonna happen?!"
  • "We had a theory that the witch needed an innocent to sacrifice in order to complete the ritual she's performing, Devin thinks if he kills every innocent in town there will be no one left to sacrifice… I'm afraid he's going off the deep end, we have to stop him?"
  • "Thanks for the assist."
  • "Gonna follow up a lead on some wolves southeast, Devin’s father is a higher up at Drake international downtown. He said he had a feeling that there was something at work there, but he never check it out of fear. I don't have that fear, and anything associated with Devin is now suspect?"
  • "Perhaps."

Kaylie Winter Dialogues[]

(Narration - "William Jameson founded Ashcroft around a coal mining operation in 1827, In 1865 over a hundred workers were trapped in an access tunnel that was filling with water, Jameson Determined that is more cost-effective to hire new workers than to blast them out, it took them 6 hours to die. In 1912, 35 children disappeared over the course of the summer, only five of their partial remains are ever recovered. In 1946, a group of vampires moves in the prison and begins a 50 year reign of torture and terror, the inmates are used like cattle and these actions prompt the larger undead insurrection in ancient history. Only the intervention of 4 remarkable individuals when my own adopted father saves the town from destruction, It is impossible to commit so many atrocities in a single place without consequence. Ashcroft is a city built on the bitter remains of 4 Generations. It is a magnet for the things that keep us awake at night. If we were smart we paid the whole damn town over and turn it into the world's biggest haunted parking lot.")

(Redeemer Cutscenes)

  • "Esteban, they're going all urban warfare in here. Do you see anything outside?"
  • "What if they don't show? It's been five years ... and you know they don't want to come back here.
  • "No."
  • "Do you really want to do this?"
  • "Leave."
  • "No Deuce, he's a Hunter. Leave him be."
  • "His name is Xavier Lucien. He's the CEO of Genefex. For the past 2 months, werewolves and those other creatures have been hijacking Genefex shipments and attacking their warehouses. And now I know why. How long have you been hunting them?"
  • "No."
  • "You're an idiot. We're all idiots. And I can't believe you're going to let it happen again."
  • "I'm not moving."
  • "I watched my stuffed teddy bear disembowel my parents when I was 8 years old... you think a middle aged man in leather chaps in gonna scare me?"
  • "Think for a minute Sam. The werewolves knew... and we didn't. We've been killing them for Lucien and I won't do it anymore. I won't let you do it either, Deuce. We know, WE KNOW that Lucien's behind this. Genefex makes this shit and then laces it in everything they sell... and he's even got Carpenter pushing it. Imbued or not, Lucien is pure evil. And he's got something so Powerful helping him, that it has Carpenter scared out of his undead mind. Do you really think that Carpenter was helping by sending us here? Carpenter? They want us to kill this werewolf, and every werewolf. They've got us so busy killing each other we're ignoring the real problem. How far up your ass does his hand need to be before you realize you're a puppet?"
  • "Wait... where's Esteban... NO! Let me go dammit! ESTEBAN!!

(Ending - It is impossible to commit so many atrocities in a single place without consequence. Ashcroft is a city built on the bitter remains of 4 Generations. It is a magnet for the things that keep us awake at night.)

In-Game Dialogue[]
