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Hunter: The Reckoning - Redeemer is the third console game based on the World of Darkness game Hunter: The Reckoning. It was released in 2003 for Xbox on October 28.

Publisher's summary[]

The hunt continues.

"Since her parents' murder ten years ago, Kayle Winter has trained hard to become a Hunter. Eager for justice, she is one of five Hunters to discover that the undead threaten the streets of Ashcroft once again".


Back and better than ever, Hunter: The Reckoning returns to the Xbox with even more frenetic multi-player action than ever. Based on the gothic fantasy world of White Wolf's pen and paper RPG system, players act as human monster-hunters combining melee, ranged and spell-driven combat. In Hunter: The Reckoning Redeemer, the hunt continues as a new Hunter joins the original team of 4 in their fight to save the citizens of Ashcroft from a twisted plot to take over the innocent town. Players battle against hordes of supernatural enemies in single-or multi-player mode - they do whatever it takes to get the job done.


Based on White Wolf's newest RPG pen and paper game within the World of Darkness series, Hunter: The Reckoning tasks Hunters to protect humanity from the evil that dwells on earth in the form of zombies, vampires and other monstrous creatures. Armed with extensive weapons, spells and a special awareness of true reality, Hunters work together in small groups to fulfill their missions.

The story of Hunter: The Reckoning Redeemer takes place 10 years after the original Hunter: The Reckoning game in the same sleepy town of Ashcroft. In the original game, the Hunters saved an innocent orphan named Kaylie. After Father Esteban realized she had been imbued that day, he decided to be her caretaker and train her to use her new-found powers the best way possible. Now 18, Kaylie has matured into a confident and independent young Hunter.


This page contains information regarding "Watch out while reading this, or don't at all, until you know what's coming. this article contains heavy spoilers. Read ahead with caution.", and thus may contain spoilers.

The story follows this five Imbued - Kaylie Winter (a Redeemer), biker Spenser "Deuce" Wyatt (an Avenger), cop Samantha Alexander (a Defender), Father Esteban Cortez (a Judge) and clubber Kassandra Cheyung (a Martyr).

(Narration - "William Jameson founded Ashcroft around a coal mining operation in 1827, In 1865 over a hundred workers were trapped in an access tunnel that was filling with water, Jameson Determined that is more cost-effective to hire new workers than to blast them out, it took them 6 hours to die. In 1912, 35 children disappeared over the course of the summer, only five of their partial remains are ever recovered. In 1946, a group of vampires moves in the prison and begins a 50 year reign of torture and terror, the inmates are used like cattle and these actions prompt the larger undead insurrection in ancient history. Only the intervention of 4 remarkable individuals when my own adopted father saves the town from destruction, It is impossible to commit so many atrocities in a single place without consequence. Ashcroft is a city built on the bitter remains of 4 Generations. It is a magnet for the things that keep us awake at night. If we were smart we paid the whole damn town over and turn it into the world's biggest haunted parking lot.")

Hunter: the Reckoning: Redeemer begins five years after the events of Wayward. The original four characters now team up with a new addition, Redeemer Kaylie Winters (the little girl saved from the first game) to save the city of Ashcroft from the machinations of a corrupted hunter named Xavier Lucien of Genefex, who uses his corporation's resources to attempt to infect the entire city and other surrounding areas with a mutagen that turns them into hulking cyclopian mutant-zombies referred to as 'foot soldiers'. He does this hoping that these foot soldiers will eliminate the werewolves for him.

It starts inside the Genefex Warehouse with Kaylie in position checking for any werewolf activities, just before she knew it, the werewolves attacks on of the Security forces down violently while Xavier Lucien held his ground and not killed, the 4 original hunters arrived as Deuce shot Vincent 2 times, Kaylie comes down and uses her edge powers on Vincent, forcing him to leave away.

The 5 Hunters fight through many areas including a series of city streets, also fighting off Carpenter in Ripper's Nightclub, during Christmas time (the level ending climatically with a fight against an evil, demonic Santa who pulls out a bear that resembles the one who killed Kaylie's parents) or through a warehouse where the mutagen was originally produced. The Hunters work with Xavier Lucien at the start of the game, but quickly realized that he is not acting to protect people from the Werewolves but is instead a completely different and much more prevalent threat as Vincent explains what Xavier Lucien's true plans were. Unlike in most Hunter stories, where the Hunters usually prefer to fight any non-human on sight, in this game the Hunters team up with a paranormal creature to battle a common foe thanks with the help Vincent and his werewolf kin. The 5 hunters managed and defeat Xavier Lucien down during the fight on top of the tall building in Genefex, they managed to escape the building, except for one hunter that stayed behind. The game ends with Judge, Father Estaban Cortez, supposedly killing Xavier Lucien on the roof of one of his own Genefex laboratories with his cruciform sword before the building explodes. It is implied that this is the end of Judge's life. Kaylie ultimately takes possession of her adoptive guardian's sword.

(Epilogue - "It is impossible to commit so many atrocities in a single place without consequence. Ashcroft is a city built on the bitter remains of 4 Generations. It is a magnet for the things that keep us awake at night.")


Five playable Hunters; each with unique weapons, edges and supernatural abilities.

Single and multi-player cooperative play. Up to 4 players can battle over 30 enemies - all on the same screen!

More than 20 new expansive areas to illustrate the Redeemer storyline authentic to White Wolf's World of Darkness.

Unleash over 40 ranged and melee weapons on 21 types of evil creatures and bosses.

Downloadable content via Xbox LIVE.

Background Information[]

  • One of the werewolves who attack Genefex has the symbol of the Uktena on an arm brace. This implies that Ashcroft is within their territory, placing it at least in the southern US. The environment surrounding Ashcroft suggests it's further north, however, more likely in Wendigo territory.
  • Genefex appears prominently, run by hunter Xavier Lucien. In the opening cinematic, Lucien refers to Genefex's "toy, electronic, and cosmetic divisions," while surrounded by crates bearing the logos for Avalon Incorporated, Tellus, Magadon, Incorporated, and King Breweries and Distillers. If Genefex isn't a Pentex subsidiary, it at least has close ties with it. More likely, though, High Voltage wanted to use Pentex but it wasn't part of their license, so they created Genefex instead.
  • The game states that it's been five years since the events of HTR: Hunter: The Reckoning - Wayward , but 10 years since HTR: Hunter: The Reckoning (console game) . Wayward, however, states that it had only been two year since the earlier game. This Wiki assumes that the "five years" between this game and the previous is an error and should be "seven years," since that assumption requires the fewest changes to text across the trilogy. Redeemer thus takes place in 2012.


  • Tony Jay once again narrates Hunter The Reckoning - Redeemer and he can be heard from behind the scenes set.
  • Hunter The Reckoning - Redeemer cover art features Kaylie Winter
  • You can also find four types of Ammo Boxes dropped by enemies when you defeat them. These boxes add a special effect to your default Ranged Weapon for a short period of time.

- Incidierary Ammo (This Ammo adds a fire element to your shots that when the enemy is hit, their life slowly dwindles away while the fire is affecting them)

- Paralyzing Ammo (This Ammo adds a paralyzing effect much like the Burden Edge. The enemy is surrounded by a purple haze that signifies that they're stuck. While they are like this, they can't attack or move. This doesn't work against Mini-Bosses and Bosses)

- Poison Ammo (This Ammo makes the target weaker after the first shot. Their defense takes a nosedive each time they're hit by the shot. This also makes your normal shots a little more stronger. This doesn't work on Mini-Bosses or Bosses either)

- Holy Ammo (This makes killing Specters and Toxin Specters much easier with a Ranged Weapon. It also causes a possessed innocent to be freed from whatever is controlling them. If you see an orange aura around an innocent, they are possessed and will attack you. If you shoot the possessed innocent with Holy Ammo, the Specter controlling them will shoot out of their body and you can now safely kill the Specter without harming the innocent) - although this only works on Father Esteban Cortez

  • the new gameplay system is the level-up system where each hunters can upgrade their melee and range weapons once the creatures are killed.

- Melee -

LVL 1 - Starting Melee weapon

LVL 15 - Weapon becomes stronger and more detailed. A new weapon is basically born here.

LVL 30 - Weapon becomes even stronger and more detailed.

LVL 45 - Weapon becomes stronger.

LVL 99 - Weapon reaches maximum strength and can no longer gain experience

- Ranged -

LVL 1 - Starting Ranged weapon

LVL 15 - Hunter's unique Ranged weapon gets a bayonet at the end of the barrel for more jabbing power and more shot power. Also, your Ranged weapon gets a bigger clip size, holding more bullets than before.

LVL 30 - Hunter's unique Ranged weapon gets a bigger clip size to hold more ammo. Power goes up just a bit more than the previous weapon.

LVL 99 - Weapon reaches maximum strength and can no longer gain experience

- Conviction -

LVL 1 - Starting Edge

LVL 7 - Second Edge Gained

LVL 10 - Level 2 of 1st Edge gained

LVL 13 - Third Edge Gained

LVL 17 - Level 2 of 2nd Edge gained

LVL 21 - Level 3 of 1st Edge gained

LVL 23 - Level 2 of 3rd Edge gained

LVL 25 - Fourth Edge gained

LVL 27 - Level 3 of 2nd Edge gained

LVL 33 - Level 3 of 3rd Edge gained

LVL 35 - Level 2 of 2nd Edge gained

LVL 45 - Level 3 of 4th Edge gained






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Previous release: Hunter: The Reckoning - Wayward World of Darkness video games
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Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines