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Hunter: The Reckoning is a console game based on the World of Darkness game of the same name. It was released in 2002 for the Xbox on May 21, and for the GameCube on November 18.

Publisher's summary[]

Survive the unthinkable.

You have been chosen to join the reckoning - to step in the World of Darkness where humanity is ravaged by vampires and marauding monsters. As a Hunter, you are immune to this beasts' illusions, but with your power comes a daunting destiny: to destroy these evil beings before mankind is massacred. Prey for your life


Welcome to the World of Darkness.

There is evil everywhere... most people just can't see it. Monsters are hiding among us. They are our babysitters, our policemen, our bartenders, even our friends. Once you realize it's around you there's no way for you to ignore it, messages are sent, magical powers are received forcing you to realize that your only job now is to take back the world from the monsters that seek to destroy it. You have become a Hunter!

Set in White Wolf's World of Darkness, Hunter: The Reckoning is a third-person action-shooter where players take the role of one of four unique hunters - Deuce, a biker ex-con, Father Cortez, a prison chaplain. Kassandra, a raver chick and Samantha, a tough ex-cop. Armed with a variety of fearsome weaponry, players will battle it out with a plethora of supernatural enemies. Non-stop heart-pumping action, combined with outstanding graphics bring the true spirit of Hunter: The Reckoning to life, and give players a taste of the World of Darkness.


This page contains information regarding "Watch out while reading this, or don't at all, until you know what's coming. this article contains heavy spoilers. Read ahead with caution.", and thus may contain spoilers.

The story follows four Imbued - Father Esteban Cortez (a Judge), biker Spenser "Deuce" Wyatt (an Avenger), cop Samantha Alexander (a Defender) and clubber Kassandra Cheyung (a Martyr) - as they struggle to cleanse the community of Ashcroft of the undead. Originally unleashed by the fury of a prisoner who was being executed in Ashcroft State Penitentiary, the four Hunters thought they had defeated them once before - but now they are free again.

The hunters confront a number of enemies, including a Risen, Carpenter; Warden Jeffrey Degenhardt II; and Dr. Hadrian.

One year before the events of the game, four people are present at the execution by electric chair of the serial killer Nathaniel Arkady at Ashcroft Penitentiary: Spenser "Deuce" Wyatt, Samantha Alexander, Kassandra Cheyung, and Father Esteban Cortez. As the switch was thrown, the souls of the dead who suffered at the hands of the prison's warden and his supernatural staff rose up in vengeful rage, driven by evil to exact their vengeance upon the residents of Ashcroft. The four witnessed the uprising of the supernatural evil, and received a message in their minds from benign supernatural beings called messengers to act against the vast supernatural force that threatened the population of Ashcroft. Choosing to heed their calling, the four became Imbued, and destroyed the evil inside the prison. The four Imbued locked the prison, sealing what was left of the evil inside, and left Ashcroft.

On the anniversary of the closing and abandonment of Ashcroft Penitentiary, several hundred local teenagers hold a rave in the courtyard. The lively celebration awakens the dormant wraiths, who slaughter most of the teenagers, and, freed from their prison, rage out into the town and begin to destroy the population. The Imbued return to Ashcroft to confront the source of the evil that threatens the town and protect the remaining survivors.

A wraith appears to the hunters, named Carpenter, and tells them that warden Degenhardt is a vampire, and that Dr. Hadrian has been performing flesh-warping experiments on the inmates. Arkady, they find out, is a werewolf and still alive. After they kill Degenhardt and Hadrian, Carpenter attacks them for denying him his revenge on Hadrian. Degenhardt turns out to not be truly dead, and to have deliberately reawakened the haunting as part of his plan to find his living family's ghosts and give them new bodies. By confronting him in the attic of his mansion, the hunters release the tortured spirits, kill Degenhardt, and escape Ashcroft.


-Single or multiplayer madness! 1 - 4 Hunters battle evil all on the same screen.

-Multiple difficulty levels

-Non-stop action through 23 heart-stopping environments. Including a cemetery, gothic church, train station and prison.

-Unload both barrels on 20 types of monsters from zombies to ghouls to vampires. including 7 insane boss characters.

-Deal out the damage with over 20 melee, ranged and spell weapons including axes, shotguns, swords and flamethrowers.

-Characters' skills and stats improve throughout the game to make them even more deadly.

-Take apart your enemies piece-by-piece by dismembering heads, arms and legs.

-Movement Independent Targeting allows the character to run in one direction and shoot in another.

Background Information[]

  • The promo trailer for the game was voiced by actor Tony Jay, recognized for providing voices in the Legacy of Kain game series, among his extensive collaborations.
  • While historical dates are mentioned -- the dates of death of the Warden's family, for example -- the "present" date is never pinned down. This Wiki assumes that it takes place in 2002, the date the game itself was released.
  • While in-game computer text indicates that the Warden's family died in 1926, the graphics for their headstones indicate they died in 1956, although both use August 9. The timeline works better with the 1926 date, so we have assumed it's the more accurate.
  • Likewise, computer text indicates the Warden's daughter's name is Celeste Marie Degenhardt, while her headstone states her name is Constance. Following the previous assumption that the computer is more accurate, we've selected Celeste Marie as her "official" name.


  • In the video game cover art, it features Father Esteban Cortez in the shadows
  • The game consists of 23 levels, set in locations including a graveyard/cemetery, gothic church, train station, sewer system, prison, hospital, mansion, and a torture chamber. The levels vary in length, ranging from around five minutes to around half an hour, and have a variety of different objectives, including traversing the map, freeing hostages, escorting non-player characters, and searching for things. After finishing the game, players get access to a new difficulty level and alternate costumes for their characters.



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Previous release: VTM: Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption World of Darkness video games
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HTR: Hunter: The Reckoning - Wayward