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Hunter: Holy War is a sourcebook for Hunter: The Reckoning dealing specifically with the Imbued in the Middle East.


What Monsters Lurk
Hunters may have been exposed to the truth of the world - that monsters exist - but they know very little about what stalks the night. Every hunter must answer the call in his own way, according to his own values and beliefs. What other choice does he have? But what if a radically different outlook made the hunt a radically different reality? What if you could make the hunt your own?
In the Cradle of Civilization?
Hunter: Holy War invites you to travel to the Fertile Crescent - the Middle East and Egypt - to discover what beasts lurk even under the desert sun. Whether your hunter travels to this foreign land or is the desert's son, learn how different cultures answer the call - and how their hunt is different from that of the West. Discover how you can define the hunt.


Allah's Blessing[]

Prologue: Dirge for the Living[]

Introduction: In the Mind of Arabs[]

  • Source Material
    • Literature
      • The Koran
      • Arab Folktales (translated and edited by Iner Bushnaq)
      • The Arab Mind by Ralph Patai
      • Aramco and its World, by Paul Lunde and John A. Sabini
      • Fabled Cities, Princes & Jinn by Khairat al-Saleh
      • A History of the Arab Peoples by Albert Hourani
      • Islam: The Straight Path, by John L. Esposito
      • Jihad: The Origin of Holy War in Islam, by Reuven Firestone
      • The Middle East by Bernard Lewis
      • The World's Most Dangerous Places by Robert Young Pelton
      • Yamani: The Inside Story by Jeffery Robinson
    • Films

Chapter 1: In Allah's Home[]

Begins the tour of the Middle East by discussing the different cultures through-out the region, along with a guide of the major countries from the viewpoint of local imbued.

Chapter 2: By His Breath[]

Discusses how Arab hunters see their origins against the context of Islam, and how their beliefs differ according to their interpretations of the Koran.

Chapter 3: To Each His Gifts[]

Covers the specifics of the hunt itself, from the moment an Arab is chosen recognize the supernatural to the manner in which they contend with such beings.

Chapter 4: Brothers by Virtue[]

Explores the mindset of Middles Eastern hunters, discussing their views of themselves and others against local and international contexts, and seeks to diving the ultimate purpose and fate of all.

Chapter 5: Allah's Servants[]

Presents the mechanics to help players generate uniquely Middle Eastern hunters based on information established in the preceding four chapters.

  • Edges
    • Pillar of Hajj (Visionary) 2 - Return
    • Pillar of Jihad (Vengeance) 1 - Wardance
    • Pillar of Salat (Judgement) 2 - View
    • Pillar of Salat (Judgment) 3 - Condemn
    • Pillar of Sawm (Defense) 3 - Stand
    • Pillar of Shahada (Innocence) 2 -Conceal
    • Pillar of Zakat (Redemption) 3 - Preserve

Chapter 6: A Brave New World[]

Strictly for the Storyteller, detailing rules and systems for running a Middle-East-oriented Hunter game.

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]


  • Allah's Blessing
    • Witness1
    • al-Amin, "Amin208," "The Trusted One," a Lebanese hunter based in Beirut
  • Prologue: Dirge for the Living
    • Fadi Majeed - Imbued
    • Yusif - Minion to Monsters
    • Ali - Yusif's Master
  • Chapter 1: In Allah's Home
    • Jager51
    • Globetrotter, an expatriate hunter currently based in Bahrain
    • Hajirah252
    • Hope123, Israeli, advocate for female hunters
    • Jibril, leader among Syrian hunters
    • Muezzin318, a Saudi
    • Muru'a, an Iraqi
    • Omeed, an Iranian
    • Wildcatter184, a British expatriate.
    • Cabbie22 - Mentioned
    • Talib Sama'a - Imbued
    • Mrs. Dajanni
    • Muhammad ibn-Yousif - Imbued
    • Abu Qutayba - Imbued
    • Mitchell - Doctor
  • Chapter 2: By His Breath
    • 'Abd al-Latif
    • Ahmad ibn Harb
    • Al-Fozail ibn Iyaz
    • Beshr ibn al-Hareth
    • Dho 'l-Nun al-Misri
    • Al-Hallaj
    • Hasan of Basra
    • Ribe'a al-Adawiya
    • Somnun
  • Chapter 3: To Each His Gifts
    • Sedat - Imbued
    • Yammah Selma - Imbued
    • Satih - Monster made of only skin
    • Violin99 - Mentioned
    • Fyodor - Mentioned
  • Chapter 4: Brothers by Virtue
    • "Anna" - Imbued
  • Chapter 6: A Brave New World


Lexicon: Adites, akhira (Other World), al-Ghariyyan (Blood-stained), Amalikites, Bayt al-Sgan'a (House of Abominations), dam batlub dam (Blood demands blood), Dar al... (House of....), dhimmi (Protected), dunya, fard, fatwa (Religious decree), fellaheen, gweilo, hija, Ikhwan al-harb (Brotherhood of war), Jahiliyya, Jihad, jinn, jiran (singular - Jar), kiswah, maktub (It is written), Midianites, mujahidin, taqiyya, Thalmudites, thugra (Monogram or insignia), was'it; Afghanistan, Alexandria, Al Ha'it (The Wall), Al Shurta, Arnoun, Baghdad, Bahrain, Band of Forty, Beirut, Cairo, Egypt, Empty Quarter, Gaza Strip, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Keening, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mecca, Middle East, Mosque of Webs, Negev Desert, Nightly Visitants, Old Damascus, Oman, Palestine, Pillar of Hajj: Hukama'/Hakeem, Pillar of Jihad: Muhajimeen/Muhajim, Pillar of Salat: Muhakimeen/Hakam, Pillar of Sawm: Mudafieen/Mudafi, Pillar of Shahada: 'Awlad/Walad, Pillar of Zakat: Uutafa'/Aateef, Qatar, Safe Haven, Saudi Arabia, Spiders, Syria, Tehran, Tel Aviv, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, West Bank, Yemen,

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