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Hunter Apocrypha is a reproduction of Apocrypha, an in-character book from the World of Darkness in which Hunter: The Reckoning is set.


From the White Wolf catalog:

The End Is Nigh
Once, hunters were normal people who lived regular lives. That was before. Now that the Messengers have touched us, the imbued recognize the real horrific world ruled by monsters. But who are the Messengers, where did monsters come from and why were we, once blind people, chosen to inherit the Earth?
The answers lie in the prophecies of a visionary.

Fyodor's visions[]

Fyodor, the Visionary author, relays and analyses visions sent to him by the Messengers, constructing from them various theories of the origin of hunters and monsters, and also prophecies of the coming end of the world.

Fyodor's story[]

Main article: Fyodor

Fyodor also details throughout the book relevant stories from his life, including his Imbuing, various encounters with the supernatural and other hunters, and in particular his conversations with Emma, a mage he befriends and eventually betrays.


Apocrypha was published as a facsimile of Fyodor's handwritten notes, and as such includes diagrams, illustrations and Hunter glyphs.

The fictional volume is published through Anchorite Press by Violin99, who also provides a foreword and commentary. The ISBN, credits and other usual elements of a White Wolf book are hidden at the back or inside the cover leaf to preserve the illusion.


  • Forword
  • Fyodor's Terms
  • By Way of Introduction
  • Some Questions
  • The Divided Soul
  • The Disease
  • The Golden Time
  • The Promise of Krisna
  • Fowler's Bog
  • The Coming of the Dark
  • The Time of Heroes
  • Points on a Circle
  • Dark Times
  • A Note on Hunters
  • Days of Empire
  • The Third Raven
  • Spirals and Cycles
  • Family Ries
  • The Cult of Violence
  • Nightmares and Revelations
  • The Holy Grail
  • The Hunt Celestial
  • Vision
  • Closing Point
  • The Coming of the Fall
  • The Signs
  • The First Sign
  • The Second Sign
  • The Third Sign
  • The Fourth Sign
  • The Final Sign
  • The Beginning
  • The End

Background Information[]

  • Hunter Apocrypha was Hunter's contribution for the Year of Revelations.
  • It follows other fictional books published in a similar trade paperback format, including The Book of Nod, The Ericyes Fragments and Revelations of the Dark Mother for Vampire and The Silver Record for Werewolf.
  • The logo for Anchorite Press is probably derived from the hunter symbol for "Hunter", though it also resembles the symbol for "Extremist".
  • Fyodor prophesies five signs that will herald the end of the world; some match up with the signs that come to pass in the lead up to the Time of Judgment, but not all.
  • The White Wolf 2000 Jul-Dec. Catalog has a different text entry for the book:
    • The End Is Nigh
    • Once, hunters were normal people who lived regular lives, just like you and me. That was before. Now that the Messengers have touched them, the imbued recognize the real horrific world ruled by monsters. But who are the Messengers, where did monsters come from and why were these once-blind people chosen to inherit the Earth? The answers lie in the ravings of a madman.
    • It's Just the Beginning
    • Hunter: Apocrypha is the veritable bible of the imbued, for Hunter: The Reckoning. Following the tradition of Vampire's Book of Nod, this trade-sized, leatherette-bound book captures the omens and portents of one of hunters' most crazed yet prophetic minds, and bears the answers to all hunters' haunting questions: Why was I chosen? What must I do to save the world? Part of the Year of Revelations series.

Memorable Quotes[]

This is without doubt the single most important document in the world, which is why I have been selected to bring it to you. I do so with reservations, but the good that it will do by arming the few who matter is far more important than the havoc that will be caused by fools.
  — Violin99, from his introduction
I would like to start at the beginning, but I may have to end with it, instead. That has been my quest, you see - to find where it began.
  — from the first section
Imagine there were two of you. Which one would win?
  — The Divided Soul
I turned and saw a young couple standing behind me. They looked normal, free of taint, but I could feel the power shining within them. They could have been brother and sister, exotic, their origins impossible to identify. They wore similar pants, similar shirts. My mind was not interested in such details and I do not remember them clearly. They wore green-banded rings, those I remember. The woman's was set with a dazzling ruby, the man's with a dark opal.
  — The Coming of the Fall


A ruthlessly pragmatic Visionary hunter whose quest for answers led him to write the Apocrypha.
The Hermit who published and annotated Fyodor's manuscript.
Emmelina, "Emma"


Lexicon: Dark One, Devil, Devil's Parasite, Hunter, Manipulator, Ostrich, Puppeteer, Shambling Corpse, Shining One, Sign, Skin-Changer, The Call, The Darkness, Wisp; Africa, Albion, America, Apocalypse, Asia, Australia, Bystanders, China, Croydon, Demons, Dubai, Egypt, England, Europe, Fowler's Bog, Gehenna, Ghost, Ghouls, Gizeh, Greece, Imbued, Kenya, Kolpino, London, Mages, Maine, Manhattan, Messengers, Moscow, Netherlands, New York, Pittsburgh, Risen, Russia, Spain, Spokane, Stonehenge, South America, Time of Judgment, United States, Vampires, Washington (State), Werewolves, Wraiths,

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