White Wolf Wiki

The Hunt Club is a group of flamboyant young Anarchs vampires who hunt older vampires for sport. They are rumored to be diablists and diablerists.


The organization known as the Hunt Club has been operating covertly in London since the end of the Second World War. Highly secretive in nature, the organization is dedicated to hunting Kindred for sport and is reputed to endorse the practice of diablerie. Members join using pseudonyms and disguises to protect their reputations, and rumors suggest that some members hold high positions within Kindred society. The nominal leader of the Hunt Club is known simply as The Count, a title believed to pay homage to Count Zaroff, a Russian vampire who hunted his peers in the mid-20th century but has not been seen for decades. The organization’s practices have evolved into baroque and theatrical affairs, teasing and taunting their victims with regalia and calling cards reminiscent of Britain’s fox and game hunting traditions. Before London’s fall, the Hunt Club eagerly participated whenever Queen Anne declared a Blood Hunt, unscrupulously identifying their own targets during quieter times. London has proven a rich hunting ground, populated by reclusive elders with poor defenses but rich vitae. In modern nights, the organization must tread carefully due to Operation Antigen, though some members argue that infiltrating mortal hunter groups could yield new quarry for their sport.


  • Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Huntsman’s Newsletter: As a fledgling member of the Hunt Club, you are notified when important events occur, including when Blood Hunts are declared in Kindred domains across Avalon and Western Europe. You can expect to receive such a notice once per story, though the timing is at the discretion of the Storyteller.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Experienced Diablerist: You have participated in a hunt and committed diablerie on another vampire. Due to this experience, you gain 1 additional die for all Strength + Resolve tests when attempting diablerie in the future. However, signs of diablerie may now be visible in your aura, so you must take care to avoid detection.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Huntsman’s Dossier: The Hunt Club devotes significant resources to monitoring elder vampires, assessing their defenses, and evaluating their suitability as targets. Not all of these Kindred become victims, but the information gathered may still be valuable. Once per story, you may contact the organization to request information on the current whereabouts or favorite haunts of a named Kindred within the local domain.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet Huntsman’s Steed: You have acquired a customized vehicle designed for your hunting pursuits. The make and model are left to the Storyteller’s discretion, but it will be a plain-colored van or truck with blacked-out windows. The exterior is subtly armor-plated, and the interior is soundproofed and reinforced with a metal cage strong enough to contain an angry Kindred. The vehicle can be registered to your name or one of your Masks. However, you should ensure it does not get stolen or impounded by authorities.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet Leader of the Hunt: Your standing within the Hunt Club allows you to name any Kindred as the next quarry for the organization’s sport. Once per story, you may circulate the target's name, causing them to be taunted, harassed, and attacked by other members. This will create significant inconvenience and distraction for the target, though their survival is left to the discretion of the Storyteller.

