White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

The Hui:xa are former denizens of the planet Bars'hm who had used their ability to manipulate thal, the primal energy of creation, to build a technologically advanced civilization. Their scientist-priests where known as the Thal'hun and saw that their planet was dying due to fluxes in the life force of the planet. In an attempt to revitalize the species, a virus was accidentally released that nearly lead them to near-extinction. However, many of the Thal'hun pushed their great city Zoraster beyond space and time to preserve it for a time when a New Zoraster could be built. Emissaries called the Jeva were sent out to find worlds where New Zoraster could be build. Khuvon landed on earth and is worshiped by the human Thal'hun.

Zoraster and New Zoraster[]


Depiction of the Realm New Zoraster from the book Ascension

Zoraster was the great city of the Thal'hun that was sought to be preserved while the Jeva tried to find a new home. The Jeva tried to find a place to build a New Zoraster and shift the city back into reality. The Thal'hun on earth believe their role is to perfect human society after the remaining Jeva visit Earth to allow this to happen.

In the "Whimper Not a Bang" scenario for Ascension, New Zoraster is a place where Avatars are being stored and it a large crystalline city in an Umbral Realm that will either flee reality with all available Avatars or warp beyond reality and form a new universe based on the outcome.

