Hu'ala are a type of Darmuth (Predator) Spirit.
Hu'Ala, "the spirit that paralyzes its prey," takes the form of an octopus about the size of a large dog. It is capable of climbing nearly any surface, changing color to match its environment, and of course, poisoning its prey with stingers at the end of its tentacles. Hu'Ala prefers to stalk and kill its prey in groups, and so targets herd animals (including people, when it can escape the Hisil). This includes packs of werewolves.
Uratha are capable of fighting off its poison more quickly than humans and other spirits, but a pack that initiates the Hunt with Hu'Ala had better be prepared to watch every crack, nook, cranny and corner.
Rank: 3
Attributes: Power 8, Finesse 10, Resistance 7
Willpower: 15
Essence: 20 (max 20)
Initiative: 17
Defense: 10
Speed: 28
Size: 4
Corpus: 11
Influences: Predation ***
Numina: Camouflage, Material Vision, Paralytic Venom, Shadow Flesh (as the Gift; p. 140 of Werewolf), slip Away (as the Gift; p. 132 of Werewolf), Wilds Sense
* Camouflage: Hu'Ala can blend almost perfectly with its surroundings. Spend one point of Essence, and Hu'Ala is undetectable unless something is actively looking for it. Even then, the searcher suffers a penalty equal to the spirit's Finesse (-10).
* Paralytic Venom: Hu'Ala can choose to inject poison with any successful strike, at the cost of one Essence. The victim's player rolls Stamina + Resolve with a penalty equal to the spirit's Power (8 dice). If this roll fails, the victim's muscles lock up, and he is completely paralyzed for eight hours. Werewolves can expend a point of Essence to reduce that time by an hour (meaning if a werewolf has 8 Essence to burn, he can recover in a few turns). Hu'Ala is, unfortunately, aware of this, and has been known to hide and wait until a werewolf starts moving, and then sting him again.
Ban: Hu'Ala, as an aquatic creature that has forsaken the seas for the land, is vulnerable to the waters of its birth. Should even a few ounces of salt water touch the spirit, it becomes unable to expend Essence for the scene. That doesn't prevent it from fleeing or fighting, of course, but it does prevent Hu'Ala from employing its venom. The salt water does not need to be actual sea water, but if it isn't (that is, if the attacker simply uses fresh or tap water with some salt mixed in), Hu'Ala can resist the effect with a Resistance roll.
- WTF: Forsaken Chronicler's Guide, p. 36