Hope is a Malkavian and information broker from New York City.
She operates a cam show where she performs vampire stunts instead of sexual content to entertain her loyal audience, but in fact the show isn't actually being streamed to the internet, and Hope is playing the parts of all the audience members who's online. Hope is fully aware of the fact that she's creating and controlling these characters herself; however, she still regards them as real and herself as a hive mind with no true singular personality.
She keeps close tabs on the behind-the-scenes in New York City, placing herself as a direct opponent to Kaiser in information brokerage. Hope's morally ambiguous actions bring her both financial profit and entertainment, although some would argue she seems more restrained than she used to be.
A one-of-a-kind technological black widow whose web extends deep into cyberspace. Despite the Camarilla's strict practices, she stays up-to-date with the latest technological advancements in the mortal world, making quite a buck by manipulating the online narrative to her liking.
She has an assistant called Nastya