The Holy Temple of Light and Sound is a Faerie Freehold in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco.
Also called the Athanaeum, the Holy Temple was a conciliatory gesture by a lady knight of House Fiona and has become a haunt of the commoners who prefer flash and dash with their worship. Located in the heart of the Haight, it masquerades as a simple rehearsal space. Only under Glamour does its true splendor come out. Every song ever sung or played here lurks chimerically behind the pillars of the room and these musical beasts can be coaxed into song with a minimum of effort. The congregation is skewed towards a nocker/satyr/eshu demographic and few sidhe come here any more. By unspoken agreement, there are no harsh words or blows inside the Temple's walls, though the street outside has certainly seen its share of scuffles.
Hector, the satyr who runs the nightclub Chainges, often leads commoner rituals here.
- CTD: Immortal Eyes: The Toybox, p. 93