The Hive of the Poisoned Lungs is a Black Spiral Dancer Hive in Wittenoom, Australia
Where once humans toiled to bring asbestos to the surface (and died by the thousands, lungs poisoned by the mine's blue dust), today Black Spiral Dancers scuttle and crawl. Wittenoom is not yet a ghost town, although it is haunted by the past. It is also haunted by a new Wyrm caern established in the tunnels that riddle the ground beneath its fibro-concrete shacks. The Hive's Dancers, led by the Philodox Coughs-Lingering-Death, have reopened the asbestos mine and transport its product to their Kinfolk in cities across Australia. At these places, with the aid of Pentex-run corporations, the asbestos is purified and concentrated. The Dancers plan to release asbestos dust into the air-conditioning systems of office buildings, thus causing outbreaks of asbestosis across the country.
The totem of the Wittenoom Caern is a hideous, hulking spirit born of the mining town's nightmares. Shush'thull grants members of the caern the following Gift:
Blue Breath (Level Three) - This Gift enables the Dancer to exhale asbestos fibers in a deadly cloud of dust. This Gift is taught by Shush'thull, the Bane spirit of asbestos.
System: The Dancer must spend one Gnosis point. Anyone inhaling the dust will begin to choke, suffering three Health Levels of aggravated damage, if she fails a roll of Stamina + Medicine (difficulty 8). Players must state that their characters are holding their breath; otherwise, they inhale the dust. A Garou who uses the Resist Toxin Gift in the same turn is immune to the effects.
Sept Members[]
- Coughs-Lingering-Death - Philodox Black Spiral Dancer Hive Leader
- WTA: Rage Across Australia, p. 52-53