Hetephras is a Mummy from the first edition of the Mummy setting.
Wife of Pharaoh Snefru and mother to Pharaoh Khufu, Hetephras was a powerful women of politics in ancient Egypt. Through many political twists she was able to contact the Cult of Isis and was made an immortal while Horus slept. However, she now regrets that decision, at least subconsciously.
Her life in the courts of Egypt was filled with temporal pleasures, and now, as an immortal, she vainly searches for new forms of gratification to continually excite her otherwise empty life. She is very knowledgeable of the spirit world, and can be a great help - if there's something exciting in it for her.
Hetephras is an exceedingly beautiful woman, as befits the wife of a pharaoh. She is short by modern standards, lithe of body, and has dusky skin. She frames her large, dark eyes with expertly applied cosmetics, and wears her hair free or in long braids soaked in fragrant oil.
Character Sheet[]
- VTM: Mummy, p. 50-51, 69
- MTR: Mummy: The Resurrection Rulebook, p. 30