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Hermits are one of the "lost" Hunter creeds who follow the virtue of Vision. While other hunters may only hear the voices of the Messengers when they are first imbued, Hermits hear them constantly, causing an ever-present sensory 'static' in their minds - and find it gets worse in the presence of monsters or other hunters. Consequently, they earn their name by hiding from the world, seeking to quiet the voices in their heads. They find, however, that they are unable to ignore what they learn from the Messengers, and attempt to act on that information as best they can, communicating what they learn to other hunters.

Prior to their imbuing, a Hermit will tend to fit certain criteria: skilled in some form of communication, emotionally detached, socially withdrawn, and/or reluctant to endanger themselves, but still wishing to get involved.

The Hermit Edges can roughly be divided into three categories: those that allow the Hermit to project themselves elsewhere, those that allow the Hermit to communicate what they've learned to other imbued, and those that allow the Hermit to channel the Messengers. Taken together with the typical Hermit profile, this suggests that the Hermits' intended role for other imbued was to act as "intelligence officers" - gathering information, both on their own and from the Messengers, conveying that information to other imbued, and acting as vessels for the Messengers' will, should the need arise.

The Hermits' special ability is the 'message in a bottle'; strictly speaking, however, it's not under a Hermit's control. Every so often, a Hermit will feel compelled to set down what they've learned so far, be it on paper, via email, on audio or video - any medium will do, so long as it's one that records and conveys information. The Hermit then casts the message out into the world, and the Messengers see to it that the message is received by other hunters.


  • Conservative
  • Moderate
  • Liberal

Standard Edges[]

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    • Reach: The Hermit can perceive events that occur nearby at the current moment, applying to all five senses. While their senses are elsewhere, they cannot feel what happens to their physical body, looking to outsiders as if they were asleep. Particularly perceptive beings may sense they're being watched.
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    • Send: The Hermit can transmit words and images directly into the mind of a fellow Inbued. The communication tends to be garbled, cryptic, and unpleasant. Recipients are unlikely to mistake a sending for a contact with the Messengers.
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    • Edict: A Hermit locks eyes with a target and, for a split second, that being sees itself as the Messengers see them, becoming a transmitter for their judgement. Supernatural creatures are inflicted excruciating rage or despair. For ordinary humans, they could be unaffected, depressed or some could be comforted if they're particularly selfless.
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    • Transcend: With this edge, a Hermit can step out of their body as a spirit and move instantaneously to any point they have visited previously. Non-physical edges can be used by the spirit. They can be perceived by ghosts and hunters with active second sight.
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    • Proclaim : The Hermit becomes a conduit for the Messengers, bringing a specific being to their attention. For supernaturals, the effect is maddening agonizing. Proclaiming a Bystander can give them a second chance to become a genuine hunter. This edge has no effect on regular humans.


^  Level 1

Reach HTR: Hunter Book: Hermit Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 87-88
Reach cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 228

^  Level 2

Send HTR: Hunter Book: Hermit Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 88-89
Send cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 229

^  Level 3

Edict HTR: Hunter Book: Hermit Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 89-90
Edict cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 229

^  Level 4

Transcend HTR: Hunter Book: Hermit Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 90
Transcend cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 229-230

^  Level 5

Proclaim HTR: Hunter Book: Hermit Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 91
Proclaim cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 230-231


Hunter: The Reckoning Creeds
Imbued creeds Avenger · Defender · Hermit · Innocent · Judge · Martyr · Redeemer · Visionary · Wayward
Mortal creeds Entrepreneurial · Faithful · Inquisitive · Martial · Underground
