White Wolf Wiki

Hermes is the messenger god of the Dodekatheon.


Hermes has gone everywhere and done everything. A consummate liar and prankster, he made off with Apollo's cows and then played him a harp made of cowgut. His magic was Hera's, his wealth was Pluto's, and his wits belonged to Artemis before he stole them all. The rest of his pantheon sometimes grow weary of his nonsense, but he does have his uses. His best tricks are reserved for the Titans and titanspawn, after all.

Hermes can be found as an entrepreneur, a con artist, a bike messenger and a lawyer. He's frequently the diplomat and fixer for other gods, and enjoys finding solutions that leave everyone (except the Titans) happy. He spends a lot of time in the mortal World, rubbing shoulders with the merchants and travelers of whom he is a patron. When a Scion of the Dodekatheon needs a Visitation made or a Birthright delivered, Hermes is often tasked to do it, making him the face of the divine hierarchy.

Hermes' own Scions often take up similar duties as messengers, couriers and spies. When devices can be hacked and phones can be tapped, face-to-face may be the safest way to deliver a message. This isn't a safe occupation, which may be why these Scions also run life insurance schemes especially for the God-born.


Powers: Epic Dexterity, Epic Intelligence, Epic Wits, Arete, Magic, Psychopomp

Abilities: Athletics, Awareness, Larceny, Occult, Stealth, Survival

Rivals: Apollo, Poseidon; Huitzilopochtli, Izanagi, Kalfu, Legba, Odin, Tlaloc, Thoth

