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Henry Eames, "Driver300" is a hunter of the Redeemer Creed.


Henry spent a lot of time living out the American Dream in the South. His parents were good people, comfortably well-off but not wealthy, and they made sure that their son had the things he needed to get started right in the world. School and college were successes enough in a modest sort of way, and Henry split his spare time between his buddies, various dates and the wrestling club.

A popular guy with a relaxed easy charm, Henry made the transition to adult life easily. He'd been taught that the way to make it big in the word was to have faith, work hard and get ahead, and that's exactly what he did. Starting out as a superintendent for one of his father's golfing buddies, Henry quickly demonstrated that he could turn his charisma to management, and he rose through the ranks.

Once he was established and had the respect of his colleagues and clients, Henry moved out on his own and started his own manufacturing firm with the aid of a contract from his old boss. Things continued to go well, the firm prospered, and Henry found himself with enough money to not have to worry so much about the hours he put in any more.

Things went as smoothly in his private life. He married one of his high-school sweetheart, and even though he was about as faithful to her after marriage as he had been before, they maintained a loving relationship. They had a daughter, Naomi, who received the same encouragement and help that Henry himself had from his parents. Everything was going according to plan.

That's when the Messengers chose to show Henry the true nature of the world in which he worked so hard to get ahead. Now, Henry realized that his priorities are very different from before. The American Dream has become a nightmare. A decent guy despite his success, he realizes the importance of the hunt. He wants to help people to a better, safer life - well, living people, anyway. He created the Triage mailing list off the hunter-net site to provide a forum for the chosen to discuss wats of helping others, away from the militants and critics of the main list. He still moderates the list when possible, which isn't often since his family, career and life were destroyed.

Character Sheet[]

Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2, Charisma (Charming) 4, Manipulation (Persuasive) 4, Appearance 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
Abilities: Academics (Southern History) 1, Brawl 1, Bureaucracy 3, Computer 2, Drive 1, Empathy 2, Etiquette 1, Finance 3, Firearms 2, Law 2, Leadership (Coordinating Teammates) 4, Medicine 1, Politics 1, Research 1, Subterfuge 3
Backgrounds: Resources 2 (was 4), Influence 0 (was 3), Allies 1 (was 2), Contacts 1 (was 3)
Edges: (Redemption) Bluster, Insinuate, Respire; (Defense) Ward, Rejuvenate
Zeal: 3, Mercy: 6, Conviction: 8, Willpower: 9

